Beautiful teeth in a healthy body

The objective of Dr. Moreno Cabello Dental Clinic is to achieve beautiful teeth in a healthy body, both in children and adults. This should be achieved especially during growth, which is why this stage in the life of children is so important. For this, there are some principles that must be followed if we want to have optimal oral health, starting with the youngest.

Good posture of the mouth equals beautiful teeth in a healthy body.

Good posture during feeding, good manners, eating consistent natural foods without processing, packaging or grinding. This is what contributes to a balanced growth of the muscles and bones of the face. Good posture, correct bilateral chewing, breathing through the nose allows for correct speech, better rest, greater exercise capacity…and a better state of mind and body. It is essential to achieve a position of the jaw, teeth, tongue, lip contact and dental socket without loads. In short, it is to return to the normal posture of the body, to its situation of functional balance.

Pillars for the health of the mouth and body: “Healthy mouth in a healthy body”.

There are 4 pillars for mouth and body health:

  • Resting with the mouth in good lip seal.
  • Breathe only through the nose at rest.
  • Chewing with intention and in an alternating bilateral manner.
  • Swallowing with teeth in contact
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In this way, the muscles of the face and rest will be more effective because of their relationship with the brain. To achieve all of the above, it is necessary to practice:

  • Correct body posture
  • Chewing exercises
  • Reading aloud
  • Reaching for the smile with the mouth open

Beautiful teeth in a healthy and balanced body, posture is basic.

A good posture is similar to a “positive, high-energy attitude”. It is to be stronger, have better digestions, improve the state of sleep and also grow in a balanced way. All this is equivalent to having better social relationships, having more friends because they will want to be with the happy ones, in better physical conditions. It is advisable to contact an expert in Dentistry and Stomatology for annual check-ups.

Let’s remember that the secret of physical fitness is to “do everything more efficiently” which means in another aspect to be smarter and happier.