Childhood Teeth Stages and Care

Childhood is a stage of growth and development that can determine the pathologies that will occur in adult life. Therefore, pediatric dentistry focuses on the monitoring and treatment of dental health during childhood and adolescence, preventing in turn the creation of oral problems in adulthood.

You can actually start monitoring oral health soon after birth, when there is no dentition yet but you can see the palate and airway developing. The most important thing is to put yourself in the hands of a dental specialist who knows how to analyze each case and establish the periodic check-ups that each child needs. Due to this need, the Dalia Orthodontic Clinic plans periodic check-ups free of charge.

Stages of dental development in children

  1. First stage, from 6 months to 2 years: during this time the first teeth are born, which is an important moment in the baby’s life, since it means that the temporary teeth, commonly known as milk teeth, begin to form. At this stage the child will have discomfort and pain, so it is recommended to monitor the first teething and begin to educate in oral hygiene habits.
  2. Second stage, from 3 to 6 years of age: At approximately 3 years of age the first dentition will have been completed, so it will be possible to verify the existence or not of dental pathology. This is the ideal age to instill dental hygiene habits in children.
  3. Third stage, from 6 to 8 years of age: From the age of six is when children change their first teeth or milk teeth, being the right time for the dental specialist to begin to study the oral morphology and prevent possible subsequent problems. In the event that the new teeth grow badly positioned, it will be important to carry out an orthodontic study to determine the best treatment to follow at the most appropriate time.
  4. Fourth stage, from the age of 10 years: When children change the milk molars for the definitive ones, it is the moment to consider that the dentition is practically definitive.
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At this stage it is essential to carry out an exhaustive follow-up of oral health in general and to take into account whether functional orthodontics is necessary to correct problems of dental malposition and to guarantee the correct alignment of the teeth.