Endoscopic nasosinus surgery allows a quick recovery

Endoscopic nasosinusal surgery, an ENT technique, is a surgical technique performed in the nasal cavities to treat cases of persistent nasosinusal pathology. It bases its therapeutic success on an accurate knowledge of nasosinusal anatomy and physiology.

This procedure is performed using very specific surgical equipment including rigid endoscopes with different viewing angles. The fact that it allows knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the nasosinus, allows a rapid recovery of the function of the nasal cavities, with an intervention limited to the diseased areas and with a low rate of complications.

What does endoscopic nasosinusal surgery consist of?

The surgical intervention is performed, in most cases, through the nostrils. This avoids external injuries such as scarring or more aggressive approaches through the bony skeleton of the face. Nasosinusal endoscopic surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Postoperative period for endoscopic nasosinus surgery

The postoperative period of this surgical technique is generally very good. What usually bothers the patient the most is nasal packing, so this is maintained for a few hours or even avoided. Once the nasal packing is removed, the patient must perform a series of nasal washes with saline solution and follow the doctor’s instructions. This is essential for good healing and repair of the mucosa lining the nostrils.