Lung cancer, one of the most frequent

Lung cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the world. Its main cause is tobacco consumption, but this is not the only cause.

Experts in medical oncology say that other causes should not be underestimated: exposure to asbestos, other carcinogenic chemicals such as uranium, beryllium, vinyl chloride, gasoline and diesel combustion products. Exposure to radon gas. Family history of lung cancer, arsenic in drinking water and radiation therapy to the lungs.

Types of lung cancer

First of all, a distinction must be made between small cell tumors and non-small cell tumors. In the latter case, there are several types, the most frequent being squamous or adenocarcinoma. It is necessary to perform mutational profiling to determine the predominant genetic alteration in the tumor, in order to be able to offer the most appropriate treatment.

In general, thoracic tumors present pain, cough, unexplained weight loss, asthenia and loss of appetite. They can also produce dysphagia if they are close to the esophagus or hiccups when they involve the phrenic nerve. Paraneoplastic symptoms may also appear, which are totally non-specific symptoms produced by substances produced by the tumor.

Lung cancer treatments

At present and after the many medical advances, there are five techniques that are very effective for the treatment of lung cancer.

  1. Surgical surgery: This is a very powerful weapon as long as complete resection of the tumor is achieved.
  2. Chemotherapy: This is the most commonly used treatment in 70% of patients with advanced lung cancer.
  3. Radiotherapy: Very useful in cases where there are involved lymph nodes and tumor margin affected, it can also be used palliatively for pain control or control of a single focus that is in progression.
  4. Targeted therapies: Targeted therapies are a type of treatment with small molecules. A drug capable of blocking a specific mutation is administered to control the disease very quickly and effectively.
  5. Immunotherapy: This is the most modern and revolutionary treatment. Recently, the results of clinical trials have been presented which confirm that this type of treatment is beneficial in any type of lung tumor. However, further studies are needed to determine which type of patients can benefit from it and at what stage of treatment.
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Lung cancer is, nowadays, a more controllable disease in which the patient can develop a life with a certain degree of normality depending on the type of therapy that can be administered.