Does memory age?

Memory is the ability to store and retrieve information, an essential faculty for people to adapt to their environment. It responds to multiple brain processes that give shape to various types of “memories” and provide such fascinating capabilities as knowing who we are.

From what age does one have memory?

Each type and system of memory has its own maturation times. Some begin to function even before birth. Babies and children learn a lot of things in a very short time. For example, they learn who their parents are, how to talk, walk, dress themselves or ride a bicycle. All these things we learn would be useless if we could not remember. Without memory we would have to respond to every situation as if we had never experienced it. Without it we would not be able to recognize our loved ones or where we live, nor would we be able to put on a sweater, since we would not know what it is, what it is for or how to put it on. However, when we are asked about our first memory, we usually cannot find it before the age of three. This is called infantile amnesia. In general, systematic studies on autobiographical memory, which refers to memories about ourselves and our relationships with the world, show a scarcity of memories before the age of 11.

Does memory age?

With the passage of time the body ages and the brain is no exception. There are morphological and neuroanatomical changes that cause some of the memory systems to not function as efficiently. However, there are some types of memory that are more affected than others by aging; for example, semantic memory (memory of meanings and knowledge not related to a specific experience) may increase with age.

When there is a progressive loss of memory, the neurologist should be consulted, who will indicate a cognitive examination to determine the diagnosis, assess the degree of impairment and design a cognitive rehabilitation if necessary.

Working on memory

There are techniques that can contribute to a more effective memory. Mnemonics is the term that encompasses all the techniques that aim to increase memory performance. These techniques require effort and perseverance to learn and master. Although, as mentioned above, memory is the result of multiple processes that give rise to multiple types of memory. The practical implication of this consideration is that when a person asks what he can do to improve his memory, he cannot expect a useful answer until he formulates his question in a more specific way. What kind of material does he want to remember? In what form? Under what circumstances? For how long?

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The best way to take care of your memory is to lead an active and stimulating life that includes new challenges: learning a language, playing an instrument, playing games or intellectual activities (chess, puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, cards, reading, etc…); socializing, but also physical exercise, a Mediterranean diet, sleeping well and avoiding stress.

People who take care of their health throughout their lives have what is called a greater “cognitive reserve” that allows them to better withstand brain diseases, although other factors such as genetics will also play a role.

Excessive memory

There are few people in the world who have a strange disorder called “hypermnesia”. The term “hypermnesia” comes from Greek and its literal translation is “excess of memory” (Hyper: excess – Mnesia: memory). Probably the most famous case is the one reported in Little Book of a Great Memory written by the eminent neuropsychologist A.R. Luria, where he tells and analyzes the case of a Russian reporter who could remember endless numbers or lines of poetry with a single glance, and remember everything with equal accuracy and precision after a few years. This faculty represented a problem for the reporter, since he often found it difficult to clear his mind of trivial information and could not concentrate on the relevant information. Luria recounts, for example, that his patient often found it difficult to follow a conversation, as each word evoked a specific episode that had taken place in the past. Forgetfulness has an important function: being able to forget what is not important can help us remember what is important.

Amnesia: loss of memory

Amnesia is the generic name given to the loss of memory not attributable to a normal process of forgetting.

It can be divided into:

– Retrograde amnesia: The inability to recall knowledge acquired prior to a brain injury.

– Anterograde amnesia: The inability to acquire new learning after a brain injury.

However, there are almost as many types of amnesia as there are types of memory, since usually some memory system is altered and not all of them at the same time.

There are multiple causes that can lead to amnesia. The most frequent are brain diseases, whether degenerative or focal lesions; vascular diseases; tumor diseases; head injuries; or situations of intense stress.

Can one fully recover from all kinds of amnesias? Not always. While there are professionals, neuropsychologists, who can help optimize the functioning of memory capacity, the degree of recovery will depend on, among other things, the severity of the injury, the type of memory affected, or age.