Why is it important to exercise on vacation

Summer or Christmas are two times of the year when many of us take a break and take a break from physical activity. However, we can also take advantage of the vacations to maintain our physical condition through more varied activities through strength, endurance and joint mobility exercises.

Strength exercises

It is important to combine this type of exercise with other aerobic and anaerobic activities. It is recommended to perform strength exercises 2 to 3 times per week, leaving a space of 48-72 hours between each activity.

Exercises should involve the upper and lower limbs, including pushing and pulling actions. To achieve this, we can use rubber bands, weights or weights or our own body weight, as long as we do not exceed the recommended intensity.

As for the organization of the exercises, we have several options: we can perform the first series of each exercise alternating them or we can complete all the series of the same exercise.

It is recommended to start with 2 sets and gradually progress to 4 as we feel less fatigued. Ideally, start with 5 to 8 repetitions out of a possible 20 to 30 for each set and progress to 10 repetitions.

Finally, do not forget to respect intervals of at least 2 or 3 minutes of rest between sets and exercises.

Resistance exercises

Resistance training is one of the most popular. It is advisable to practice it 2-3 times per week and not to accumulate more than a week without doing anything to avoid remaining inactive.

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Resistance exercise should be performed accumulating a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes per day, and can be performed in different blocks in the same session or at different times of the day for no less than 10 minutes.

Joint mobility exercises

This group of exercises are aimed at maintaining and improving our joint movement and, together with the previous ones, are essential for our health.

And about performing them alone or in company, the truth is that if we have the opportunity to carry it out in a group, it can bring additional health benefits compared to performing the activity individually.

Have you already thought about what you will do on your next vacation?