Acupuncture: a millenary, effective and safe technique

Acupuncture is an ancient technique that began to be used in China about five thousand years ago for its efficacy and safety.

It consists of the stimulation by means of fine stainless steel needles in certain points of the body for the treatment of various diseases.

Acupuncture is practically painless for most patients. The perception of the puncture with an acupuncture needle varies from person to person. Although most people feel no pain, occasionally there may be a slight stinging or prick sensation or discomfort that quickly subsides. Those who have experienced acupuncture treatment discover with relief that it is not painful. The needles are extremely fine.

Side Effects of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has no side effects or side effects, very common in drugs that are commonly used. The effects of the treatment are always towards the improvement of the patient, never in the opposite direction.

Occasionally, when a needle is withdrawn, a drop of blood may appear, as is natural in any puncture.

In absolutely exceptional cases, very apprehensive patients may experience a little dizziness due to fear of the first acupuncture session, which is why it can be performed in a lying position.

Contraindications of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is never contraindicated as a treatment. There are contraindications regarding the use of certain points in a few circumstances such as:

  • During pregnancy, since there are points that can trigger premature labor.
  • Points on the skull to infants, since they have open fontanelles.
  • Acupuncture points located in delicate areas such as nipples and navel.
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Although there are no formal contraindications, acupuncture must be practiced by a professional properly trained in the practice of acupuncture. Inexperienced hands can produce significant injuries.

Real results of Acupuncture

Acupuncture results are objective. It works if it is well indicated and applied, even in skeptical people. On the other hand, acupuncture is being used successfully and frequently on animals, which do not understand or believe in the processes that help them get better and heal.

A positive attitude can reinforce the effects of the treatment, while a negative attitude can slightly hinder the effects of acupuncture, just as it can happen in other medical treatment and at the same frequency.