Pain treatment with ultrasound-guided techniques

In the treatment of pain for the localization of the structure to be treated, multiple interventional techniques were previously performed through fluoroscopy, but currently certain techniques are performed with ultrasound, this being the recommended one.

What techniques can be performed with ultrasound?

  • Infiltrations with or without botulinum toxin of the quadratus lumborum, psoas, piriformis or obturator internus muscle.
  • Infiltrations with or without botulinum toxin of the shoulder girdle musculature.
  • Lumbar or cervical facet block (middle branches).
  • Sacroiliac joint block.
  • Blockade of hip, knee, shoulder joints…
  • Peripheral nerve block
  • Pulsed radiofrequency of the suprascapular nerve for painful shoulder.
  • Pulsed radiofrequency of peripheral nerves.

How are they performed?

Two types of ultrasound probes are used to perform these techniques:

  • Linear ultrasound: high frequency probe used for more superficial structures.
  • Convex ultrasound: low frequency probe used for deeper structures.

The process consists of locating the target on the ultrasound screen and, once fixed, the infiltration is previously performed with local anesthetic and the needle is inserted under direct vision.

All techniques are performed on an outpatient basis.

Advantages of performing interventional techniques with ultrasonography

  • It does not emit radiation to the patient or health personnel.
  • It allows the dynamic exploration of superficial and deep muscular structures, which facilitates the localization of our objective.
  • It allows us to see structures such as pleura, vessels, viscera, providing greater safety in the performance of the procedure.