Insomnia, much more than a quality of life problem

According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), in Spain alone, between 20 and 48% of the population has insomnia problems. It can manifest itself either in the form of persistent difficulties in falling asleep, as multiple awakenings throughout the night, or as early and definitive awakening in the early hours of the morning. Its presence, apart from producing a deterioration in the quality of life (with daytime symptoms such as the sensation of tiredness, difficulties in concentration and attention with reduced performance capacity, irritability, etc.), can increase the risk of suffering cardiovascular problems, obesity, diabetes and some neurological problems.

It is not advisable to treat insomnia with drugs for more than a few weeks. Their long-term use is not harmless and can lead to a loss of efficacy (with dependence) and other neurological problems such as memory disturbances.

It is therefore essential that any treatment focuses on the causes of insomnia. Behind an insomnia problem there may be both medical (respiratory, neurological, etc.) and psychiatric problems. At other times the problem lies in the abnormal functioning of the biological clock that controls sleep.

In other cases the patient is simply unable to deactivate the daily stress and remains awake at night. All these possible causes must be meticulously studied by means of specific studies in a sleep center. Only if we make a good diagnosis will we be able to properly select the type of treatment and this requires the teamwork of neurologists, pulmonologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and physiotherapists.

Depending on the cause of the insomnia, it may be treatable. Very often it is necessary to re-teach the patient to sleep, to better manage stress and to learn to disconnect. This training program is internationally considered the treatment of choice for primary insomnia and allows the patient to return to sleep without medication within 6 to 10 weeks.

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In any case, we must pay attention to sleep problems, especially if they are persistent, as they can condition our future health.