Stress, keys to end it

Stress is a process that triggers a set of reactions to certain complicated life situations, or to common situations in which we do not feel we have the time or resources to deal with them, and they “overwhelm” us.

The best way to put an end to stress is prevention and, to do so, we need to know what it is, what happens in our body and how we can counteract it. All this can be achieved by attending Emotional Management Programs with specialists in Psychology, such as transdiagnostic programs, which are being implemented more and more. They teach you to know your emotions in order to manage stress.

What to do in case of stress: how to manage it better

If the patient suffers from stress, he/she can

1. resort to cognitive techniques to learn to make appropriate assessments and reduce the feeling of “danger” in our life. Some erroneous ways of interpreting reality are:

  • Filtering: when we only look at one aspect.
  • Polarized thinking: thinking with extremes; either black or white.
  • The fact of discarding the positive, and only focus on the negative things.
  • Emotional reasoning: believing that what we feel is true.

2. Relaxing our body: with physical exercise and training abdominal breathing techniques.

3. Relate better, since relationships with others are a source of well-being but can also be the cause of our stress. It is important to have the right communication skills to manage them.

In addition, it is important to enjoy our rest and leisure, to have a good diet, to exercise and not to drink excessively or smoke. To manage and prevent stress it is important to know our emotions and learn to control them.