Tooth whitening, how to maintain it?

After undergoing teeth whitening, many patients ask themselves the following questions:

  • How to avoid having yellow or stained teeth again?
  • How long will teeth whitening last?
  • What foods should be avoided to prevent stained teeth?
  • What products can help keep teeth white?

All these doubts, and others, arise from the fear of having yellow or stained teeth again. After seeing the results of the treatment, it is logical not to want to lose that appearance.

What foods and beverages should be avoided after dental whitening?

This is a very important aspect, since certain foods and beverages are the main cause of stained teeth. They should be avoided after teeth whitening:

  • Foods containing colorants, both chemical and natural, especially those with green, red and orange pigments.
  • Beverages such as coffee, tea, chocolate, other infusions or wine.
  • Soy sauce and red and green sauces.
  • Foods with dark color, such as spinach, blueberries and beets, among others.
  • Citrus fruits such as pineapple or kiwi, because they can cause tooth sensitivity.

Habits to avoid and include after dental bleaching

First of all, it should be pointed out how harmful tobacco is, both for health and for oral health for various reasons: it causes wear and yellowing of the teeth. This is why it is a habit to eliminate in order to preserve the whiteness of the teeth.

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Instead, as good habits to acquire is the intake of apples twice a week, more or less. Apples are included among the foods called “detergents”. They are so called because they have the quality of cleaning the teeth in a natural way. In addition to apples, celery, raw carrots or popcorn can be included.

What oral hygiene should be followed to maintain teeth whitening?

Dental hygiene is basic for the results of dental cleaning and whitening to be maintained over time. Thus, specialists in Dentistry and Stomatology recommend brushing the teeth after every meal and flossing to prevent food remains on the teeth, which can cause stains.

On the other hand, colored mouthwashes should be avoided (blue, violet or pink), which are usually made with chemicals that could pass the color to the teeth. Clear mouthwashes are more recommended.