Which cataract surgery is the most convenient

A cataract consists of any alteration in the transparency of the crystalline lens, which has the function, together with the cornea, of carrying light rays to the retina. Therefore, its opacification causes a loss of vision. Thanks to the progress of modern ocular microsurgery techniques, it is reversible.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

The patient with cataracts reports a progressive loss of vision. The main symptoms are:

  • Cloudy, unfocused or veil-like vision.
  • Some improvement in near vision: this is frequent and is due to a change in the refractive index.
  • Glare: the patient has difficulty driving at night.
  • Distortion of images.
  • Alteration in color perception.
  • Improved vision in low light environments.

Which surgical technique is the most convenient?

The most effective and safe technique is phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. It is commonly used and consists of fragmentation and aspiration of the crystalline lens by means of a probe that emits ultrasound. The procedure is performed through an incision of less than 3 mm and does not require sutures in most cases.

The application of special foldable intraocular lenses does not require a larger incision, which gives more stability to the eye and considerably reduces the incidence of postoperative astigmatism. In addition, visual recovery is much faster than with other techniques and the patient can return to normal activity in a few days.

When should surgery be performed?

It is not necessary to wait until the cataract is very advanced or mature for surgery. The Ophthalmology specialist must make an assessment of the patient’s visual conditions and needs in daily life.

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In fact, it is a mistake to wait too long or for the cataract to “mature”, since it does not allow an early visual recovery and, in addition, surgical intervention is more difficult. Consequently, there is a higher risk of complications.