A test to know our limits

The stress test is a test that determines the state of cardiological health of an individual, whether an athlete or not. By placing electrodes on the thorax, the patient’s cardiac potential, physical capacity and level of training and the corresponding possibilities for competition are studied. These electrodes record the cardiac activity or pulse, continuously performing an electrocardiogram.

The test is performed on a treadmill, which increases its speed progressively until the subject’s resistance reaches its maximum. It should be noted that before performing the stress test, the patient should undergo a physical examination and his or her medical history should be assessed to check for previous illnesses, dietary habits, etc.

Evaluation of the stress test

The stress test is used to assess the level of cardiovascular adaptation to exercise. The oxygen intake of the patient is also measured by means of a mask, while the pulse rate is determined by means of ‘Thresholds’, medical parameters that determine the measurement of oxygen consumption. With these numerical values we will be able to know the maximum amount that our body can use in a high intensity effort.

As indicated above, both regular runners and patients who do not do sports or even sedentary patients can undergo this test. The test for athletes will indicate the heart rates at which they should perform the different phases of training, while for non-athletes it will be even more valuable. In the case of the latter, the real state of health of the patient will be known, which will help to prevent diseases.

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How to prepare for the stress test

The patient should arrive well rested for the test. The recommendations are not to do an intense training during the previous 24 hours, and to come without having ingested anything during the two and a half hours before the test. Eliminating the previous day’s medication is also important, as it will help to avoid falsifying the final result of the stress test.