How to come out stronger after COVID-19

The current situation due to COVID-19 has generated, among the population, a feeling that we are in the center of a gigantic storm of which we do not know well, neither its duration, nor its scope.

Those who are not fighting directly on the health front against the virus, or those who have not yet been hit by the economic disaster, live in an apparent and surreal stillness, situated in the center of the storm, not outside of it.

But perhaps there will come a time when we must consider not relying solely on luck or the mercy of the future, but rather strengthen ourselves in that which will help us through this storm. People will have to retain creative energy to get through the situation ahead.

Each person will have to make his or her own inventory of obstacles, and decide which ones he or she accepts to abandon in favor of the struggle for a new opportunity in life. These burdens may be of a different nature:

  • Old ways of working
  • Ways of maintaining relationships, family or friendships, which weigh untold burdens.
  • Ways of using our time, which saturate us and lead us to emptiness.
  • Compensatory addictions that place us in a situation of health risk that facilitates sinking

The personal work of introspection and self-knowledge carried out for years is now bearing fruit in many people. This work helps to face the current situation with hope; with fear, but with acceptance, hope and confidence in our strengths.

This is the time to give a chance to the strength within us to help us emerge stronger from the situation, changed, tired, but alive and wiser.