Study of the footprint, an essential test to avoid injuries

The study of the footprint consists of several studies, by means of video camera, barometric carpet and the visual exploration itself. The first two can be kept by computer and the third is the perception of the orthopedic surgeon.

Sports injuries caused by the footprint

During sports practice, the locomotor apparatus is subjected to overuse, so it is necessary to take into account the different osteoarticular variants, both static and dynamic. For these reasons, and with the aim of avoiding injuries, it is very important the study in the consultation of the orthopedic surgeon expert in sport.

The footprint influences possible injuries, but not only when the subject performs normal walking, but also in the different circumstances of podal support during sports practice, in running and in the rest of sports practices, during exercise. Thus, it depends a lot if the support is varus, flat or cavus, and there are even feet that, statically, have a footprint and, dynamically, another.

Treatments to correct the footprint

In the treatments really corrects the footprint, not the foot, and the fundamental treatments are orthotics, better known as insoles. This is intended to make the footprint normodynamic, i.e. that the foot loads are fully compensated and that the pressure of the foot against the ground is perfectly distributed.

Treatments usually have good results, but material wear must always be taken into account, so the inserts should be changed periodically, depending on use.