Why does otitis appear in summer?

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear generally caused by an infection. It is one of the most frequent pathologies that we see in our Otorhinolaryngology office.

Depending on the part that is affected, a distinction is made between the types of otitis. It should be noted that the ear is divided into external ear (outside the eardrum, corresponding to the pinna and auditory canal), middle ear and inner ear.

  • Otitis externa is that which occurs in relation to prolonged moisture in the ear. It is commonly known as bathing otitis, which is one of the reasons why it occurs more frequently in summer.
  • Otitis media is the most frequent. In this case, it is the existence of mucus -which may or may not include pus- called exudate. It is produced as a consequence of a bad function of the Eustachian tube. The function of this tube is to drain fluid from the middle ear into the throat keeping it ventilated, but if it becomes obstructed it can accumulate fluid and can become infected.

Otitis and its increase during the summer

Do otitis consultations increase in summer? The answer is yes, especially for otitis externa, which is directly related to the beginning of the summer period and bathing.

The fact is that the start of bathing brings water into the inner ear on a continuous basis, a fact that favors irritation of the skin of the duct. With irritation, the skin ends up cracking, allowing germs to enter.

Infection is more likely to occur in freshwater baths, such as swimming pools or ponds, than in seawater, as its salinity keeps germs at bay.

It should be noted that otitis externa can appear at any time of the year, since any erosion at the cutaneous level of the duct can favor its appearance, as in the case of dry skin or eczema. In these cases, even intense scratching or even trying to clean the area with an ear swab or other objects such as crochets can favor the entry of germs and, therefore, infection.

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Symptoms of otitis

The main symptom of otitis externa is pain, which can become very intense, even preventing the sufferer from chewing and opening the mouth properly.

At the same time, there may be redness of the duct and even fluid or pus coming out of it, always accompanied by a feeling of pressure and ear plugging.

Along the same lines, a series of lumps may appear in the neck or in the area near the ear, usually corresponding to swollen lymph nodes in the area, which are usually painful and whose size decreases proportionally with the picture.

Treatment of otitis

The most important thing when trying to heal otitis is not to wet the ear, so it is forbidden to bathe for at least a week or ten days.

When the patient is going to wash his hair, it is advisable to use and place a absorbent cotton soaked in olive oil in the ear canal. This absorbent cotton soaked in oil will prevent water from entering. However, the use of ear plugs is not recommended, since germs would remain in them.

Drops with or without antibiotic and anti-inflammatory should be applied for at least seven to ten days.

Home remedies to treat otitisis

Various home remedies have been referred to over time, such as putting warm oil in the duct or a thimbleful of breast milk. However, these remedies should not be applied. The only recommended home remedy is to apply warm cloths in order to relieve the pain.

Prevention of otitis

The only way to prevent otitis is to avoid the risk factors that favor it:

  • Do not manipulate the ear with swabs or similar objects.
  • Avoid getting water in the ear by using earplugs, water bands…
  • Dry the ears with a towel after bathing or put drops of a solution based on alcohol and vinegar in equal parts, as long as there is no tympanic perforation.