Biofeedback, an access to the mastery of your brain

The key to your personal success, to achieve your goals, to fulfill yourself as a person, to live in well-being, to contribute to your health, depends largely on your inner state. Science has shown that the use of bioinformation helps you to achieve that particular state of mind where everything is possible.

How? you may ask. The answer lies within you, in that marvelous and complex machine that is our brain. From our own physiology, human beings have been endowed with the necessary tools to develop as extraordinary and complete individuals.

Our brain produces constant electrical activity, which is expressed through very low voltage brain waves. Our performance, our emotional balance, our behavior and attitudes towards life, our well-being, depend on the type of wave predominant at any given moment. Through Biofeedback training, the main instrument of bioinformation, we can learn to manage our brain activity at will, creating states that favor our balance and well-being, as well as positively influencing our quality of life.

The effectiveness of the use of Biofeedback has been widely demonstrated in the fields of medicine, psychology, education and sport.

Fear, the reactive emotion to situations that we value as threatening, the capacity for reflection, the ability to understand and finally the serenity of contemplative states, are forms of response to life events that respond to a certain wave frequency.

We can manage our brain at will and program levels of activity linked to higher consciousness. Research dedicated to the analysis of the interactions between the brain and consciousness is booming and more and more scientists are broadening their vision of science to understand the complexity of the brain and its relationship to states of consciousness. Controlling the mind can open the door to a permanent state of grace. We should not underestimate our real capacities.

As Gurdjieff said: “Consciousness is freedom, emotion is slavery, mechanics is nonsense”.

There are as many possible realities as there are ways of thinking. Our perception of reality depends on the level of consciousness from which we function.

Bioinformation in oncology

In the field of oncology, the benefits of bioinformation have been amply demonstrated. The National Cancer Institute, in the United States, considers bioinformation applied to learning relaxation, induced imagination and meditation as a complementary therapeutic strategy of unquestionable efficacy.

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Today we know that a relaxed brain minimizes the physical and psychological wear and tear involved in facing situations considered stressful; that it increases and improves the capacity of our immune system; that it facilitates the release of endorphins and enkephalins that help control pain; that it reduces the adverse effects derived from oncological therapy.

The use of Biofeedback is very useful in all those conditions or pathologies where the anxiety factor, certain behavioral patterns and ways of reacting to stress play a determining role in the onset or course of the disease, interfere with the effectiveness of a good medical treatment, diminish the quality of life or hinder the recovery of health.

At the psychological level, the benefits of the application of Biofeedback are equally remarkable. The relaxation of brain activity facilitates self-confidence and self-esteem, promotes self-awareness, increases the capacity for problem solving and decision making among many other positive effects.

4 predominant wave types:

Beta waves, characteristic of the waking state, fluctuate between 12 and 30 Hertz. We can distinguish a low Beta frequency that is associated with a relaxed attention; a medium Beta frequency, with a more vigilant attention and a high Beta frequency related to states of tension and anxiety likely to induce psychosomatic disturbances. Normally Beta waves are those that occur during our daily waking activity.

Alpha waves, between 7 and 12 hertz, produce an ideal state of consciousness, where our potential improves considerably. They are associated with creativity, lucidity, memory and concentration, optimal performance, mental and physical relaxation.

Gamma waves above 40 Hertz produce overflowing anxiety, loss of control, aggressiveness and panic.

Theta waves from 3 to 7 Hertz correspond to a state of relaxation that reaches deep meditation and contemplative state.

Finally, Delta waves, from 0.5 to 3 hertz, are associated with deep sleep, as well as physical and mental restructuring. It has been shown that at these levels of brain activity, immune functions improve considerably.

In closing, a quote from Muse-Dana: “It is not tension but lack of relaxation that exhausts.”