Does your shoulder pop out all the time

Usually, when a person’s shoulder pops out or has the sensation of it, it is because he or she has had a previous shoulder dislocation. This is known as recurrent shoulder dislocation.

After a shoulder dislocation, it is very important to keep it immobilized for as long as necessary. Otherwise, you will not recover properly and will relapse later, each time with more and more everyday movements.

Recurrent shoulder dislocation

Recurrent shoulder dislocation is the most common shoulder pathology, and the earlier the first dislocation, the more likely it is to occur. If the first one occurred before the age of 18, there is a 95% chance of developing a recurrent dislocation. They are usually treated with arthroscopy, after which the shoulder is immobilized for several weeks.

Causes of recurrent dislocation of the shoulder

According to specialists in Traumatology, the main causes of recurrence of a shoulder dislocation are the following:

  • Age. 4 out of 10 people who dislocated their shoulder will have a second dislocation. Moreover, if the first one happened before the age of 18, the statistic increases to 9 out of 10. Thus, age is a determining factor in recurrent shoulder dislocation.
  • Trauma, sports, sex and dominant arm. All these factors determine the possibility of suffering a second dislocation, and the more dislocations one suffers, the easier it is for them to recur. The most effective method to stop them is arthroscopy, which is a minimally invasive technique.