Early Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease

Unfortunately, we live in an era in which the daily grind causes many people to live in a deep state of constant stress. Meeting after meeting, eating quickly and at the wrong time, sleeping only a few hours and with a 24-hour work schedule, people are not aware that this frenetic pace of life, in addition to the classic risk factors (cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, etc.), makes it possible for a heart attack to appear when we least expect it.

The groups that should pay more attention to their heart are mainly those who have a demanding job, such as businessmen, executives or journalists. People who carry an added burden due to family problems or worries arising from the precariousness of their current jobs should also keep an eye on their heart.

Technological advances

Today, thanks to the advanced technology available to us, it is possible to accurately observe the state of the coronary arteries and predict whether a person is at risk of suffering a myocardial infarction in a period of between 3 and 5 years. This is how Dr. Enriqueta Alomar, Medical Director of the Creu Blanca Medical Centers, puts it.

Thanks to scanners such as the Aquilion One with 320 coronas, it is possible to draw an absolutely detailed 4-dimensional map of our heart with a single heartbeat. “Thanks to the precision of the Aquilion One we can visualize the arteries of the heart and detect the slightest lesion. In a person who has to give more than 100% of their usual output, if the scan concludes with a satisfactory result, we can assure them that in a period of between 3 and 5 years their risk of suffering a heart attack will be minimal,” says the Medical Director of the Clínica Creu Blanca.

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The test, called virtual coronary angiography or non-invasive coronary angiography -to distinguish it from conventional coronary angiography in which it is necessary to sedate the patient and perform a catheterization-, is a simple examination that only requires the patient to fast.

“The test itself lasts no more than 20 seconds. The patient remains at rest on an instrumented table with different sensors while the equipment takes the images that will later be digitally reconstructed. The intravenous administration of the contrast will allow us to obtain an image of the heart with all its coronary anatomy and vascular structure.

Once the test has been performed, the patient can continue with his daily routine and after a few days the result will be given to him with the necessary recommendations in case any anomaly is detected.

This examination is recommended for all those over 40 years of age and who have a family history of heart attack or over 50 years of age with any risk factor.

In Spain, 123,000 people die annually from cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended for both men and women since the statistics of cardiovascular accidents are similar in both sexes due to the full incorporation of women into the working world for decades.