Vaser Lipo: new liposuction technique

Vaser lipo is an alternative treatment to the current liposuction technique. This new technique uses advanced third-generation ultrasound technology that is designed to gently sculpt the body contour.

The ultrasonic energy is transmitted through small probes that diffuse the waves and liquefy the fat for easy removal. This ultrasonic energy is gentle enough to disintegrate only the fat, preserving the nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues and promoting better skin retraction and skin uniformity.

The Vaser Lipo procedure can be performed under local anesthesia plus sedation or under general anesthesia, depending on the area to be treated and the surgeon’s and patient’s preferences. It uses an anesthesia formed by saline solution with tumescent liquid that is injected into the body through small incisions of 2 mm, in the area to be treated. Instead of introducing the conventional liposuction cannula, Vaser Lipo uses high frequency ultrasound vibrations that separate the fat cells that will then be drained and expelled through liposuction cannulas, respecting the surrounding tissues.

Who can undergo Vaser Lipo?

To undergo a Vaser Lipo, it is ideal that the patient is in good physical condition and is not overweight. That is, the patient should not be aiming to eliminate the accumulation of fat in certain areas that cannot be eliminated by dieting or exercise. Some people have a tendency to accumulate fat deposits that are not easily removed and require interventions such as ultrasonic vaser liposuction.

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The Vaser Lipo technique is very suitable to treat some specific areas of the body such as the thighs, abdomen, arms, chest, chin and neck.

Postoperative period of the Vaser Lipo technique

The process is not painful. The patient must take the medication prescribed by the specialist to control the swelling. After the surgery, the patient must wear a bandage and a pressotherapy garment. This garment must be worn for approximately one month and is usually combined with lymphatic drainage massages. The same day of the intervention, the patient can walk. However, intense exercise should be avoided for a few days, depending on the area operated on.

Vaser Lipo: results obtained

The Vaser Lipo technique offers great control to the plastic surgeon, as it allows him to control the amount of fat removed at all times. This provides a firm and smooth result. The likelihood of lumps or dimples is less than with conventional liposuction. The body contour becomes much more defined than with other techniques, such as traditional liposuction with large cannulas.

Vaser Lipo also helps to preserve and protect the tissues, as well as reduce bleeding and bruising that may occur. It also produces a greater retraction of the tissues leading to a greater firmness of the skin.