Periodontal disease

What are the most common periodontal diseases?

The most common periodontal disease is gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis degenerates into periodontitis. In periodontitis we then encounter various stages of the disease ranging from mild to moderate to advanced periodontitis.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of periodontal disease in the initial stage of gingivitis are inflammation of the gum, redness, bleeding, and even detachment of the gum from the tooth. And if this initial gingivitis is not treated, when we move to the next stage of gingivitis, apart from all these previous symptoms that we find, we can also find an oozing of pus between the tooth and the gum, a separation of teeth, even a slight mobility of teeth, because in the following stages of periodontal disease the pathology also begins to affect the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone. And so the treatment should be more severe.

What treatments or surgeries can correct them? Are they definitive?

All the treatments we should get are to stabilize the periodontal disease. If we detect gingivitis in the initial stage and it does not progress to periodontitis, all the better. If the patient comes or we detect the periodontal disease, the treatments will be deeper, either with curettage or periodontal surgery. Treatments in periodontal disease are not definitive of cure and involve a very deep commitment on the part of the patient so that this recurrence does not happen again in his mouth and the control of periodontal disease between the clinic and the patient’s commitment is monitored.