New Contraceptive Methods

What are the new contraceptive methods available (both female and male)?

There are several advances that have been made in the field of contraceptives and some are simply improvements of methods that are classic, such as:

  • Barrier methods: we can highlight the new materials with which some male condoms are already being made. These are graphene condoms, which, besides avoiding latex, achieve greater safety, since the material is more adaptable and resistant. They are also more comfortable for sexual intercourse, since they maintain the sensitivity; and they are also odor neutral.
  • CAYA diaphragm: it is a method that seemed to be in disuse, but is beginning to rebound and does not require specialized placement or contain latex.
  • Diu kyleena, a new progesterone IUD: An innovation among contraceptives with a hormonal component. It comes to expand the indications of the Mirena IUD, which due to its high effects on the cycle due to the high hormone load, was reserved more than as a contraceptive, as a treatment for women who bleed. The Kyleena IUD with a much more moderate dose of progesterone achieves a very good regulation of the cycle, but without leaving patients without a period.
  • Forearm implant: also known as ‘the stack’ or ‘the stick’, this transvenous implant contains progesterone and lasts for 3 years. Gynecology specialists agree that it is useful as a contraceptive method that regulates the cycle in cases of anemia, especially when there is a contraindication for the patient to have an IUD inserted. It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • Continuous pattern pills: in some specific cases they are being used, for example, for those patients who suffer from endometriosis or have very abundant periods. What this contraceptive achieves is that the periods, instead of being every month, are every three or four months.
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Is there a new contraceptive that prevents STDs?

One of the new advances in contraceptives and technological innovation to prevent STDs is the graphene condom. This type of condom is made of carbon, has a molecular structure that makes it extremely resistant and at the same time is very flexible and adaptable. In addition, this composition makes it more protective against STDs.