How to prevent colon cancer

Colon cancer is already the most frequent malignant tumor in Europe. In Spain alone, about 25,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

Symptoms of colon cancer

  • Blood in the stool
  • Changes in bowel rhythm (with or without abdominal pain) which, if it persists for several weeks, should make us consult a doctor.

It affects both sexes indistinctly and almost always develops on an initial benign lesion, called a polyp. These polyps take years to grow and only 5-10% become malignant.

Risk factors for colon cancer

The risk of colon cancer increases if a close relative has had the disease (parents, siblings or children) and if there is any disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, in which case it is better to be screened before the age of 50.

Colon cancer should be detected in early stages and prompt action should we find a lesion, as early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of cure.

How to prevent colon cancer

  • Dietary guidelines, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts. Use little unrefined sea salt. Avoid coffee and alcohol in excess.
  • Eliminate sugars from the diet
  • Drink enough water
  • Exercise, increase cellular oxygenation
  • Eliminate risk factors such as constipation, acidification of the body caused by excess protein or eating red meat containing antibiotics, hormones and parasites, as well as pork.

Our colon cancer early detection unit can help you in the prevention through:

  • Basic screening BioNexia FOB plus brand, which is an analysis for the qualitative detection of hemoglobin in the stool, which can be done every 3 months from the age of 40. If it is positive it will indicate the need for a colonoscopy.
  • Genetic studies in blood and saliva for predisposition to colon cancer. The Septin 9 gene (SEPT9) is studied. The methylated form of this gene (mSEPT9) is a genetic tumor marker that is found in more than 90% of colon cancer and is an early process in tumor development, so it is positive in the initial stages of colon cancer. The test is aimed at men and women over 50 years of age, or earlier if there are risk factors or family history. A positive result means that a colonoscopy is necessary; a negative result indicates that the gene has not been identified, but as the sensitivity of the test is around 70% it may be a false negative so it is recommended to repeat the test two years after a negative result.
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At IDEA CLINIC, during the months of February and March 2018 we want to collaborate in the early detection of colon cancer and we perform the basic Screening at an almost symbolic price of 50 euros so that anyone can have access to these tests.

What can an Integrative Medicine unit do

1. Prevention and biological treatment of the harmful effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

2. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics, to know which drugs used in the treatment are the most suitable and will cause the least side effects.

3. Detoxification of the organism by natural means. Elimination of free radicals. Alkalinization of the medium.

4. Orthomolecular nutrition, treatment of cellular nutritional deficit to stimulate the immune system and thus help the destruction of cancer cells.

5. Ozone therapy treatments, to deliver oxygen more effectively to the cancer cells and thus aid in their destruction.

6. Early diagnosis of genetic predisposition to certain types of cancers through genetic studies.

7. In a word, to improve the quality of life, both in treated patients and in those who unfortunately are considered incurable. The close collaboration between your doctor (surgeon, oncologist, etc.) and our Integrative Medicine Unit will improve your quality of life, increase the chances of cure and reduce the time of cure.