Quality of life in patients with psoriasis

More than 125 million people worldwide suffer from psoriasis, in Spain there are about 800,000. In my previous articles I have explained what psoriasis is, its causes, types and treatments, but now I want to focus on, perhaps, the most important thing: the quality of life of people. Psoriasis is a complex and chronic disease, with no cure and with causes that are not fully understood, although it is known that different factors are involved and there is a genetic predisposition. Nevertheless, advances in research have made it possible to live without the discomfort caused by the disease, although this does not mean that psoriasis does not have a major impact on patients’ quality of life.

Thus, it has been observed that psoriasis has a physical and emotional impact on the quality of life of patients similar to other chronic diseases such as diabetes, depression, hypertension or cancer. It should be noted that the clinical involvement of psoriasis influences the patient’s image and often causes rejection by other people, affecting their social, family, couple, sexual or work life. This can lead to anxiety and depression, increased consumption of alcohol, tobacco and food, and impaired concentration both at work and at school.

The figures available on the impact of psoriasis on the patient’s quality of life are shocking: a large percentage of patients suffer from sleep disorders, as well as sexual difficulties, dress in a way that is conditioned by the disease and say that psoriasis significantly affects their daily activities. It is clear that it is a disease that seriously affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it.