How to solve my acne problem?

Although acne is a skin disorder most common in adolescents, it can appear at any age. Acne occurs when hair follicles become clogged and allow oil and dead cells to accumulate. Acne vulgaris manifests as whiteheads (clogged pores), blackheads (blackheads or open pores), papules (small, red, tender irregularities) or pimples (papules with pus at the tip). It commonly appears on the face, chest, shoulders and upper back.

Where do the causes of acne lie?

Although we know that acne is a disease of hormonal origin, other factors can influence its appearance and development: some medications, quality of food, genetic inheritance, smoking, poor skin hygiene, quality of the facial microbiota and intestinal microbiota, and stress. Another well-studied factor in acne is colonization by Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes), although its role in this condition is complex and still unknown.

Many women suffer from acne for many years, with cyclical episodes related to menstruation. These cases of acne may respond positively to oral contraceptives.

In adults, the sudden onset of acne may be associated with some other disease of the patient, which should be promptly evaluated by the specialist.

Cystic acne is more severe than acne vulgaris. It manifests itself in the form of subcutaneous bumps that may be nodular (painful, with solid mass) or cystic (painful, with pus).

How to treat acne successfully?

It is important to note that some lotions, creams or cosmetics (such as make-up removers) that are freely sold to treat acne can cause a serious skin reaction. Although these types of reactions are not common, in such cases you should immediately discontinue use of the lotion/cream and, if deemed necessary, consult your dermatologist.

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Acne can be successfully treated by your dermatologist. And it is better if it is treated early to avoid cysts and scars that do not fade.

The first phase of acne treatment is to stop the appearance of acne. This is followed by treatments to reduce the remaining cysts and scars.

During the first phase of treatment, and depending on the intensity of the acne, the dermatologist may apply treatments with medication, photosensitive creams or a combination of both.

Once the acne process has been deactivated, the dermatologist moves on to the dermo-cosmetic treatment phase to help the skin restore its pre-acne appearance. Some of the tools available to the physician are peelings, PRPs, photodynamic therapy and shock waves. The specialist will study each case to recommend the most appropriate treatment or combination of treatments.

Acne is capable of causing a lot of emotional suffering, given the high visibility of cysts or scars. Acne scars can be difficult to remove completely, but with the right treatment the appearance of the skin can be greatly improved.

If you have acne problems, consult one of our specialists. At Centro Médico Pasquali & Asociados we are skin specialists.