Rhinoplasty: What happens when you sculpt a nose?

Rhinoplasty is the type of surgery that aims to reshape the shape of the nose, this may involve:

  • Increasing or reducing the size
  • Changing the shape of the tip or bridge
  • Modifying the size of the nostrils.

This surgery can also correct breathing problems, birth defects or deformities resulting from accidents.

Are there any risks involved in undergoing rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty is a safe surgical procedure with a high satisfaction rate if it is performed by a qualified Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery specialist. However, there is a possibility of complications, although rare and mild. There may be:

  • Infection or bleeding greater than usual
  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia.
  • Appearance of small veins on the skin of the nose (generally transitory).

Likewise, if the patient follows the advice given by the specialist, before and after the operation, most of these risks can be avoided.

As an approximate figure, one out of ten rhinoplasty cases needs a minor touch-up afterwards, but this situation cannot be predicted.

Rhinoplasty preparation and surgery

Before the treatment is performed, a computer imaging study is necessary. The image serves to show the patient what the specialist can perform and for the patient to comment on his or her expectations.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay is required. A rhinoplasty is mainly based on “sculpting” the framework of bone and cartilage under the skin of the nose. This procedure is performed through internal incisions and therefore leaves no visible scars. Only in the case of open surgery (columella) there may be scars that, although visible, are usually inapparent.

Simultaneously with rhinoplasty, any anomaly that causes breathing difficulties, such as nasal septum deviations, can be corrected. This procedure is called rhinoseptoplasty. They are usually somewhat longer interventions that require hospitalization overnight. At the end of the operation, a plaster cast is usually placed on the back of the nose and plugs are placed inside the nostrils.

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Getting back to normal

In the postoperative period painkillers that are recommended to control the discomfort that may arise. During the following 24 hours it is advisable to rest to better control the discomfort and avoid bleeding.

The appearance of bruising and swelling around the eyes is normal, and may increase in the following days. On the other hand, the nose plugs are removed in a variable time (generally in the first 24 hours; from 2 to 4 days if the septum has been operated) and the plaster is removed in about 7 to 10 days. In most cases the patient can perform sedentary work after 48 hours. Although some actions should be avoided:

  • Do not wear glasses
  • Do not perform violent exercises
  • Avoid blowing your nose for about a month.
  • Avoid the sun or UVA rays, for a minimum period of three months. In approximately ten to fourteen days the bruising and most of the inflammation will have disappeared and your appearance will be practically normal.

When are the changes noticeable?

It may take more than four months to see the final result, since it depends on the change that has occurred in the nose.

The result is definitive, being exceptional the need for retouching after the operation.