Hair grafting: postoperative care

One of the questions that most concern patients who undergo a hair transplant is what happens in the postoperative period of the hair graft. Before discussing this subject in depth, it should be clarified that this is a minimally invasive surgery for which local anesthesia is used.

Thus, after this intervention, the patient will be able to recover his or her usual rhythm without any inconvenience, regardless of the technique used for the hair graft treatment, whether it is the FUE technique, TIRA technique or Body Hair technique.

At Meyer & Alcaide we are aware of the different concerns that may arise, so below we will try to resolve the main questions that arise in reference to this process, which is usually much more bearable than you might think.

Hair graft postoperative period

Once a hair transplant has been performed through a micrograft, the postoperative period lasts approximately six hours. However, it is the degree of alopecia of the patient, as well as the size of the area to be treated that will determine the time.

It is not a complicated procedure, although it is laborious. To perform it correctly, a good technique is necessary, as well as full concentration. It is a team effort in which each graft is separated and implanted individually, “hair by hair”. Therefore, each patient will need a different level of work.

Steps to follow during a hair grafting procedure

During the first two days it will be necessary to carry out some minor procedures that are not complicated and that the patient himself will be able to perform without any problems. It is possible that the patient may feel some discomfort in the donor area, although it is not painful.

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In turn, there may be a small edema in the forehead as a result of the anesthesia, although it will not imply any importance.

During these first two days it is possible that some saline curing may be necessary, as well as avoiding hair washing.

After the third day, the scalp in the recipient area becomes reddened and covered with a thin layer of crusts. This is part of the natural healing process, as each of these micrografts that are performed must heal. So this is a sign that the process is progressing as it should.

Care in the postoperative period after a hair transplant

Some breaks must be followed to achieve a satisfactory recovery in the shortest possible time. Some of them are the following:

  • During the first few days an antibiotic and an anesthetic should be taken to reduce the appearance of possible side effects.
  • Rest at least 24 hours.
  • Sports should be avoided for at least fifteen days after surgery.
  • Swimming in the swimming pool or at the beach is not allowed.
  • During the first month, the sun should be avoided, as well as UVA booths. If for any reason you are going to be in the sunlight, wear a hat to protect you.
  • Avoid touching and scratching your head during the first 30 days to avoid possible infections.
  • The hair should be washed following the protocol indicated by Meyer & Alcaide specialists.

The postoperative period after the hair graft is a simple process as long as the recommendations of the hair transplant specialist are followed to promote a successful recovery.