Protective Foods: Keys to a Healthy Diet

In recent years, medicine has begun to focus on the relationship between diet and the development of certain diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. Similarly, it has also been discovered that some foods have a “protective” function, for example, fruits and vegetables prevent some types of cancer. For this reason, Nephrology specialists advise to follow some guidelines for a healthier diet.

Keys to a healthy diet

Some keys to achieve a healthier diet are:

  • Reduce fat consumption, change saturated fats for unsaturated fats and eliminate trans fatty acids. There are different types of fats with different effects on the body. Saturated fats and trans-fatty acids raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health problems. These types of fats to avoid are: butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream, fatty meats and in some vegetable oils, such as palm oil and coconut oil that are solid at room temperature, also found in fried foods, commercial baked goods (fried doughnuts, cupcakes and cookies), processed foods and some margarines. Unsaturated fats help lower LDL cholesterol and are beneficial. Most vegetable oils that are liquid at room temperature have unsaturated fats (olive and canola oil, safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oils).
  • Reduce consumption of refined sugar. Refined sugars are not directly related to cancer risk, but they are related to obesity. It is recommended to prefer natural sugars (such as those in fruits), limit carbonated beverages and eat desserts or sweets only a couple of times a week, and in small portions.
  • Do not overdo it with red meat. Choose lean cuts and eliminate visible fat. It is recommended to eat fish three times a week and beef only once or twice a week, preferably baked or boiled.
  • The cooking method is important. When food is cooked at high temperatures over an open flame, such as charcoal roasting or grilling, the molecules of the meat are modified and aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic, are generated. It is necessary to be moderate in the consumption of this type of cooking and to avoid cooking meats in excess.
  • Cold cuts and smoked meats. Harmful nitrites and nitrates are often added to these processed foods. Smoked foods present health risks due to the cooking method.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of oral, larynx, esophagus, lung, breast, colon and liver cancer. It is recommended to limit consumption to one alcoholic drink per day for women and two for men. The measures given as an indication are 355 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine or 45 ml of liquor.
  • Fruits and vegetables. This is the main dietary strategy to reduce the risk of cancer. Five portions per day of fruits and vegetables should be incorporated to the diet. The WHO recommends a minimum daily intake of 400 g of fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers).
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  • Fiber. Decreases the risk of colorectal cancer by reducing the time that waste – which often has carcinogenic substances – travels through the colon. They can be included in the diet in the form of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Whole fruit is better than juice as it provides more fiber and fewer calories.
  • Dairy products. Their nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, are effective against colorectal cancer. What is recommended is that they be skimmed, to avoid adding fats to the diet.
  • Reduce salt consumption and ensure that the salt consumed is iodized. Salt is associated with increased blood pressure and can promote or increase some diseases.

How can salt consumption be reduced?

It is possible to reduce daily salt consumption:

1.- Choosing foods that are low in salt (natural foods, fruits and vegetables).
Substituting salt with healthy herbs and seasonings (lemon juice, garlic, pepper and oregano).
3.- Progressively decrease salt portions to a maximum of 3 grams of salt per day.