The different psychotherapy treatments

There are many ways to define psychotherapy, but generally it can be defined as a treatment modality for psychic, organic or psychosomatic disorders.

Through these treatments, the healthcare professional specializing in psychiatry aims to modify thoughts, feelings and behaviors in order to improve the patient’s relationship with himself/herself and with the environment.

How psychotherapy treatments are carried out

The treatment method is carried out through the relationship between the therapist and the patient, using words and actions.

The different types of psychotherapy

There are different types of psychotherapy:

  • Implicit psychotherapy: It consists of the support to the person of the sick person and close ones whatever the type of illness.
  • Explicit or regulated psychotherapy: This type of psychotherapy is programmed to treat certain mental disorders and is only carried out by certain health professionals who specialize in this treatment.

What mental disorders can be treated with regulated psychotherapy?

Regulated psychotherapy can treat most of the mental disorders listed in the world’s recognized classifications.

In some cases, it may be the only treatment, especially in adaptive disorders and some personality disorders.

In other cases, however, it is treated in conjunction with pharmacological treatment, which is essential in disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, among others.

Which physicians can provide regulated psychotherapy?

The physician who can always perform this type of therapy is the psychiatrist. In some cases, they may also be performed by physicians from other specialties who have completed specific training in this area.

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Differences between coaching and psychotherapy

There are a number of differences between coaching and psychotherapy. Coaching refers to training in certain skills, such as running a business group or giving lectures, and can be applied to the healthy and the sick. However, when the skills are hindered by a psychological disorder, the treatment of the disorder is the responsibility of the psychotherapist.

When do psychotherapies start to take effect?

In any case, it depends on the modality of psychotherapy, although the effect can be perceived from the beginning. However, in most cases, an average of 3 months is established for a significant improvement to begin to appear.

Is there a psychotherapy modality valid for any mental disorder?

No. Each type of psychotherapy is indicated for certain mental illnesses and may even be contraindicated in others.

The psychotherapist is not an expert in all types of psychotherapy.

Although the psychotherapist should know the fundamentals of all psychotherapies, he/she should not be an expert in all the types that exist. The learning of each psychotherapy is so complex and extensive that it is only possible to be an expert in a few specific modalities.

Types of useful psychotherapies

Useful psychotherapies are all those that have demonstrated at least clinical effectiveness, i.e., improvement of a significant number of patients over time. If, in addition, they have scientific evidence, i.e., they are supported by rigorous experimental studies, the usefulness is even greater. At present, psychotherapies with scientific evidence are applicable only to certain psychological disorders.