Borderline Personality Disorder, Constant Instability

Personality disorders are generalized and inflexible phenomena, stable over time, which have their onset in adolescence and early adulthood, giving rise to a situation of distress and deterioration. The so-called borderline personality disorder is defined by a pattern of instability of self-image, interpersonal relationships and affect, all aggravated by a very marked impulsivity.

The prevalence of this clinical picture is high (about 1.6% of the general population), but it is even higher in clinical populations. More than three quarters of those affected are women, and 25% of these patients come from structured families.

According to experts, this borderline personality disorder is the most disturbing psychiatric disturbance, because it gives rise to alternating phenomena that, on many occasions, hinder the correct diagnosis and make treatment difficult. This is due to the generalization of instability, which makes psychic life and behavior difficult.

Symptoms presented by people with borderline disorder

  • A persistent, constant and deep fear of abandonment, which creates difficulty in tolerating the fact of being alone.
  • Intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, with alternation between the idealization of some person and the rapid devaluation of the same one.
  • Particular predilection for involvement in toxic relationships
  • Identity disturbances, causing sudden and dramatic changes in goals, values, professional aspirations, projects, friendships
  • Impulsive and risky behaviors, such as unnecessary and excessive spending, reckless driving, unsafe sex, alcohol and drug consumption, binge eating
  • Proclivity to self-injurious behaviors and to suicide threats and self-injurious behaviors.
  • Affective instability given the notable reactivity of mood, i.e., they may suffer intense episodes of irritability, sadness or anxiety lasting hours or a few days.
  • Chronic feeling of emptiness
  • Difficulty controlling anger, with intense and inappropriate rages and physical fights
  • Thought disturbances with transient stress-related paranoid ideas
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The causes of borderline personality disorder

The causes of this disorder are not exactly known, as with other personality disorders. However, borderline personality disorder can be associated with different factors, both biological and environmental.

Biological factors

  • Genetic: Although no specific gene has been shown to cause this disorder, there are several studies that indicate that this disease may have strong hereditary links. In fact, the heritability of borderline personality disorder is around 40%, and it is also associated with other mental health disorders that occur among family members.
  • Brain abnormalities: Generally, the way the brain functions is different in people with borderline personality disorder. In particular, the portions of the brain that control emotions and decision-making do not communicate properly with each other.

Environmental factors

Increase the risk of borderline personality disorder. These environmental factors include physical or sexual abuse during childhood or troubled environments and unstable family relationships.

Evolution of borderline personality disorder

The course of this disorder is quite variable. However, there is a repetitive pattern characterized by chronic instability in early adulthood, with episodes of affective disorder and high impulsive behaviors, as well as utilization of mental health resources.

Young adults, who are most affected by this disorder, have a high impairment of affect and an increased risk of self-injury. And although both diminish with age, the tendency to experience intense emotions and act impulsively tends to last a lifetime.

According to studies, patients who undergo psychiatric and psychological treatment manage to reduce the number of behaviors characteristic of borderline personality disorder, thereby reducing the intensity of symptoms. In this way, the patient achieves greater stability.