How can Ozone Therapy help fibromyalgia?

Ozone therapy treatment can be of great help to patients with fibromyalgia because it can improve 2 very important symptoms in this pathology, firstly pain and secondly tiredness.

Pain is a type of signal that is going to be very important in this type of patients, it is going to be a chronic pain, a pain that can be in many cases very important, that is going to affect both sides of the body and achieving an improvement in this symptom is going to greatly improve the quality of life of the patients.

As far as fatigue is concerned, we see that sometimes, for them, it can be even more annoying than the pain itself. It is a fatigue that can appear in household chores, in minimal tasks, and can be for these patients something very difficult to carry out, tasks that before they exercised without any problem and now require a great effort, for this type of symptom ozone can also be of great help.

When we have managed to improve the pain, when we have managed to improve fatigue, we see that another important symptom for this group of patients with fibromyalgia, as is the quality of sleep, can also be improved because we lower the level of anxiety they have for pain, tiredness or fatigue and can have a much better quality sleep, thus improving their quality of life dramatically.

What is fibromyalgia and why does it occur?

According to the World Health Organization, fibromyalgia is classified as a type of non-articular rheumatism. What does this mean, it means that it is a type of rheumatism that will affect ligaments, it will affect tendons, muscles but it will not affect the joints as is the case with osteoarthritis. Unfortunately we do not know what causes fibromyalgia, it is a disease of unknown origin and therefore this is going to limit us a lot when it comes to establishing a treatment. If we do not know the origin it will be more difficult to find an adequate treatment and we will only be able to address the symptoms.

How will we reach the diagnosis of fibromyalgia?

This is also another of the great disadvantages of this pathology because we do not have a specific diagnosis that clearly and obviously determines that we are dealing with a case of fibromyalgia.

We are going to arrive at it by discarding other pathologies. This is going to make many patients live their disease in a different way from how they would live, for example, with diabetes, we all know that we do a blood test, a high blood sugar level and both the patient and his immediate environment are going to know that this person has diabetes.

On the other hand, fibromyalgia is a pathology that will affect muscles in a non-specific way, it will produce pain, it will produce tiredness, it will produce sleep disturbances, it will produce difficulty in concentrating and all this will be experienced in a sad way because it will cause me anxiety, which will often be conditioned by my environment, sometimes even by the doctors who are visiting this patient, and many times also in the immediate environment, at family level, giving a feeling of misunderstanding that will lead to sadness and in many cases to a depression that we see that in many patients goes along with this fibromyalgia, and we do not know if it is part of the pathology or is triggered by the feeling of misunderstanding of the pathology itself.

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Ozone therapy treatments for fibromyalgia?

We are going to address the 2 major symptoms of fibromyalgia, namely pain and the feeling of tiredness, through ozone therapy but we will need 2 different ways of administration.

In the case of pain treatment we are going to perform punctures, small punctures in the painful points of different parts of the body starting with the most important ones, those that produce more discomfort to the patient, and as these improve we can go to those that do not produce so many symptoms.

The number of sessions that we usually need is 5, if with 3 we have enough we will stop there, in the group of painful points that we are treating and we will restart others. It is a completely outpatient treatment, it is not painful and it will allow us to reduce the amount of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs that the person usually has to be taking.

As regards the treatment of fatigue, of tiredness, which in many cases is more disabling, as we have mentioned, than the pain itself, what we are going to look for is to improve the oxygenation of all the tissues of the organism. For this we are going to extract some blood from the patient, between 100 and 120 cm3, we are going to put it in contact with ozone and oxygen and we are going to reintroduce it.

Like the other form of therapy is an outpatient treatment, we will take approximately 20 min. to carry it out and the number of sessions that we will need is between 8 and 10.

Results of ozone therapy in fibromyalgia

The vast majority of patients value ozone treatment as really effective. We are going to help them to improve both painful symptoms and symptoms of tiredness and fatigue, also promoting an improvement in their sleep and all this will ultimately result in a better quality of life in this group of patients avoiding the intake of medication that may have side effects that in the long term should be avoidable.