UParkinson: experts in Parkinson’s and movement disorders

Dr. Àngels Bayés Rusiñol – Parkinson’s Unit Director

Rehabilitation is a fundamental pillar in the treatment of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, effectively complementing medical treatment. There is growing evidence that treatment should be comprehensive and multidisciplinary, taking into account all aspects that affect the patient’s state of health. To this end, it is essential to systematically assess the patient in all his or her dimensions. Thus, once a correct medical diagnosis of the disease has been obtained and the pharmacological treatment has been started, both the motor function and communication deficiencies, the ability to perform daily living activities and the cognitive and psychological state of the patient should be assessed. It is also interesting to assess the state of quality of life and nutritional status. The Uparkinson’s team is expert in performing this assessment and the treatment with complementary therapies that may be derived. Our center agrees on the treatments as a team in order to obtain the maximum effectiveness of the treatment. We have individual and group sessions and there is also the possibility of online therapies.

Sheila Alcaine – Head of the Physiotherapy Unit and Berta Mestre – Physiotherapist

Most diseases affecting the central nervous system are associated with movement disorders. Tone, muscle strength, coordination, balance and posture can be affected. These changes can cause difficulties in movement control as well as in gait especially, coordination and fine motor skills. After the diagnosis it is important to apply the treatment in an early way with a preventive purpose. In advanced stages, the main objective of physiotherapy will be to reduce the impact of the consequences of the disease. Uparkinson’s team of physiotherapists has the general objective of improving the quality of life of those affected. This is done through rehabilitation or functional readaptation to maintain maximum independence in daily life. In our center an exhaustive initial assessment is carried out from which a personalized treatment will be planned either in our facilities or at home. This initial assessment will also serve to monitor the evolution periodically. The involvement of the patient and his or her caregivers in the treatment is a fundamental aspect for the good development of the rehabilitation program. There are specific techniques that can be beneficial in these diseases, the application of intermittent mechanical vibrations, for example, improves muscle tone and balance. In the case of Parkinson’s one of the most vexing problems is gait blocks, the use of external cues can be of great help. The UParkinson team is working on a European project, Rempark, to develop a system for automatic detection and resolution of walking problems. Some scientific publications support that the practice of physical exercise improves the evolution of neurodegenerative diseases.

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Anna Prats – Head of the Neuropsychology unit

In the Parkinson’s Unit we take care of the patient in an integral way and we always attend to them according to their needs. We have a team specialized in the detection of cognitive disorders, that is, in the detection of disorders of memory, attention, concentration, which can frequently appear in Parkinson’s disease or other disorders. In addition, here at the Parkinson’s Unit, we perform very complete and sensitive evaluations that are able to detect these cognitive disorders very early and we work together with the patient and family members to prevent these disorders and slow down their evolution, especially trying not to affect or to affect as little as possible their activities of daily living. We program a personalized treatment in which we use various techniques and tools depending on the type of needs of each affected person. One of the tools we use to stimulate and train cognitive functions are computer programs. Our center is a pioneer in the application of this type of program. In an investigation we obtained very positive results that were published in one of the most prestigious international journals on movement disorders. In addition, in the Parkinson’s Unit we offer both psycho-educational programs and individualized psychological interventions for those patients and relatives who require it, since it has been seen that psychological intervention can help to improve the well-being of both patients and relatives.

Cristina Petit – Head of the Speech Therapy Unit

Neurodegenerative diseases are often accompanied by communication difficulties. 90% of people with Parkinson’s will have speech and voice alterations during the evolution of the disease. They will also have alterations in the process of eating and swallowing. Speech therapy aims to make patients aware of their communication difficulties and to teach them techniques and strategies to improve the intelligibility of their speech. It also prevents and treats swallowing disorders. At UParkinson we perform individual and group treatments as well as online via videoconference. This modality is especially useful and comfortable for those affected who cannot travel. Likewise, the efficacy of the logopedic intervention has been demonstrated in Parkinson’s patients and in some of them the maintenance of the benefit between 6 and 12 months post-treatment.