Dental implants: new computer-guided treatment

Medicine and dentistry have made great advances in recent years. One example is computer-guided minimally invasive implantology. This technique consists of placing dental implants without having to make any cuts in the gum and therefore with practically no pain or inflammation, since there are no visible wounds.

In order to perform this technique it is necessary to request a scan of the patient’s jaws. The images obtained from the scanner are introduced into a computer and by means of a sophisticated three-dimensional planning program it is possible to visualize on the screen a three-dimensional reconstruction in real size of the bones of the face.

Once the image has been obtained on the computer, the program allows the patient to be “operated on” in a simulated manner. In other words, it is possible to carefully choose the best places to place the implants. Finally, a surgical template that we call “guide” is requested through the internet, which will allow to copy very exactly the planning made. This guide fits perfectly in the patient’s gum and through it the implants are placed. It is a simple, fast and reliable technique.

Advantages of computer-guided surgery

The advantages for the patient are those derived from not having to make cuts, that is to say, since there are no wounds, there is practically no pain or inflammation, so the postoperative period is very comfortable and the patient can lead an absolutely normal life from the first day of the intervention.

But undoubtedly, the most important advantage is the certainty that the implants have been made with a very precise system that guarantees their perfect placement in the most suitable place.