Ultrasonic surgery for maxillary bone grafting

Their strengths are the safety and comfort they provide to the patient.

A bone graft is a procedure by which, through oral and maxillofacial surgery, part of the bone that has been lost is regenerated. Bone grafts are necessary when teeth are to be replaced by implants and there is not enough bone to obtain an optimal result. In many cases artificial materials are used to regenerate the bone but the most reliable and that guarantees a higher percentage of success is that the bone used is the patient’s own. Bone grafts are usually taken from the chin area or the angle of the jaw and can be extracted in particle or block form.

Ultrasonic surgery has been a revolution when it comes to interventions that need to work on the bone. This technology allows milling or cutting the bone without heating and without affecting the surrounding tissues. The most important thing is its ‘selectivity’, it only cuts what you want without affecting the surrounding tissues. This is the big difference with traditional saws and drills where it was impossible to avoid that the surrounding tissues were affected either by friction or by heating.

This selectivity translates into two great advantages for patients: safety and comfort. Safety because there are no lesions outside the operated area and comfort because being so selective, inflammation and postoperative pain are significantly reduced. Currently there are very powerful and efficient ultrasonic motors that guarantee the best results in all procedures that require working on the maxillary or mandibular bone: bone grafts, orthognathic surgery, periodontal surgery, etc.

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Nowadays there are very powerful and efficient ultrasonic motors that guarantee the best results in all procedures that require working on the maxillary or mandibular bone: bone grafts, orthognathic surgery, periodontal surgery, etc.