How to achieve success with immediately loaded implants

Immediate implants can be defined as the placement of one or more implants in the same session after the extraction of one or more dental pieces.

Immediate loading is understood as the attachment of the implant-supported provisional prosthesis within 48 hours after the dentist places the implant.

Success of immediately loaded implants:

  • Bone quality: variations in the quality and quantity of bone in the different maxillary regions condition the success of the implants. To replace a complete arch, at least 4 implants are necessary to place a temporary fixed prosthesis. It is a very reliable method, with a success rate of 97.5% in patients with total edentulism.
  • Primary stability of the implant: this is the degree of fixation of the implant at the moment of insertion. We achieve this by using rough surface implants, which accelerate the osseointegration process. Also important is the shape and design of the implant, which must produce an increase in mechanical retention in the bone. The amount of surface area in contact with the bone varies during the healing phase, being less between 3 and 6 weeks after implant insertion.
  • Absence of movement during the healing phase, i.e. avoiding axial loads on the prosthesis that interfere with osseointegration. For this reason, it is very important that patients take a soft diet during these first 6 weeks.

Advantages of immediate load implants

  • Avoids esthetic problems during the whole process of implant integration.
  • Dental extractions, implant placement and prosthesis are performed on the same day in most cases.
  • Fewer interventions.
  • They reduce the psychological effects on patients, because they are never without teeth.
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Disadvantages of immediate load implants:

  • The same disadvantages of immediate loading do not differ from implant treatments.