Lack of concentration, what can cause it

Lack of concentration is a common concept that does not correspond to a specific medical terminology. However, in the medical context it is referred to as attentional difficulties or problems with attention fixation. The symptoms involve the occurrence of obstacles in focusing on a particular task. Studies, work or everyday life can be affected by these difficulties.

While occasional lack of concentration is normal, the occurrence of longer-lasting episodes may be related to attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder, among others.

Why can lack of concentration occur?

Lack of concentration may be due to multiple causes that should be examined by medical experts in Psychiatry and Psychology to get to the root of the problem. Among others, causes may include:

  • Depression or distress. Among the typical symptoms of depression is lack of concentration, which may be related to loss of interest and insomnia, also characteristic of this disorder. The person with depression focuses their attention on their discomfort, forgetting about work and obligations. All this can negatively affect their personal and social life.
  • Psychotic disorders and neurosis. Both obsessions and psychosis can present different symptoms, among which is the inability to concentrate. Neurosis, on the one hand, will cause the person to fix his attention on an idea, so he will show lack of concentration on other matters. Similarly, among the symptoms of psychopathy is a total loss of contact with reality, which prevents the person from concentrating on matters such as work or studies.
  • Drug use. Lack of concentration can be one of the many side effects of drugs. This is especially true of depressant drugs, such as alcohol or tranquilizers, which can cause attentional difficulties due to their effects on the central nervous system. Attention problems can also occur with cocaine use, the side effects of which include a strong craving, which the user prioritizes above all else, and which leads him to forget his commitments and focus on other matters.
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How can lack of concentration be avoided?

To avoid lack of concentration, it will be necessary to detect the cause in the first place. Then, depending on what is causing it, it is possible to take different measures to eliminate it.

Psychotherapy may be necessary through medical professionals, who will give the patient the tools to achieve concentration and eliminate distractions.

If the lack of concentration is caused by drug use or dependence, addiction treatment will be recommended, which will help the patient to regain normality in his or her life and overcome this type of difficulties. The World Health Organization stresses that successful treatment to overcome substance addiction requires physical and mental therapy.