Gynecomastia: a problem also for men

In Aesthetic Medicine, breast augmentation or reduction surgeries in women are very common. The breast is such an important part for women that it can cause complexes that only the scalpel can soften.

However, they are not the only ones who suffer from it. Men can also suffer from an excessive development of their breasts, which can also create a complex when they see a certain resemblance to female breasts. This male pathology is known as gynecomastia and can be solved through an operation performed by professionals of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.

At the European Center for Aesthetic Surgery we perform these surgeries on a daily basis. For this reason, we explain what gynecomastia is and how we improve it in the operating room.

Gynecomastia: what is it, why does it appear and how is it treated?

More commonly than gynecomastia, we usually hear it referred to as “large breasts in men”, or “male mammary hypertrophy”. The Spanish Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AECEP) explains that it is a hormonal problem that starts affecting the physical appearance of children, young people and adults, but that can end up deriving in different psychological problems. That is why it is very important to understand its origin and find the most effective solutions.

At the European Center for Aesthetic Surgery, as professionals specialized in breast surgery, whether for augmentation, reduction or elevation in men or women. We want to help you by answering the most common questions:

  • What is it? It is a disorder in which some men have breasts that are larger than expected for the male figure. In this post, we tell you more extensively what this pathology is.
  • Why does it appear? Mostly due to hormonal imbalances (higher estrogen levels than testosterone). But also due to other causes such as:
    • The use of anabolic agents.
    • Consumption of alcohol and drugs.
    • Obesity.
    • Insufficient or too demanding nutrition.
    • The use of some medications… When this hypertrophy is produced only by an excess of fat, then we speak of a pseudogynecomastia.
  • How is it treated? It depends on the type of gynecomastia and its causes. This unusual development is very common during adolescence. In these cases, the advice is to wait until the child reaches adulthood and check if everything has returned to normal. For the rest of the cases, the first thing to do is to check if what is left over is mammary gland or just fat. Depending on one or the other, a different type of intervention should be performed.
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If you are a man and excess chest is also a problem for you, contact the European Center for Aesthetic Surgery. Together we will find the best solution.