What are the salivary glands and what function do they perform?

They are very numerous, specialized individual organic formations, secreting saliva, which maintains the lubrication and humidity of the mouth, prevents infections and caries, contains immunoglobulins, lysozymes and phosphatases in its mucous and serous secretion.

They are of extensive superficial disposition, preferably with function, like all these, of minimal extrinsic drainage and entirely intraoral (the so-called Minor Glands) and the Six Major Glands, extraoral, with long evacuating ducts, are the pairs: Parotid, Submaxillary and Sublingual, all, prepared, for the secretion of different quantities and qualities of saliva, whose first destination, is the buccopharyngeal cavity, with its global capacity of, general local organic protection and prepare, the alimentary bolus, in the first part of the digestive function.

The universal draining anatomofunctional coincidence in the mouth, of all the referred glands, could allow us to speak of the real existence, perhaps, for the first time and still without Academic support, of what would be, by way of similar resemblance in a certain way, of the classical ones listed, of an extraordinary salivary gland, which among its shared multifunctions, would be for its almost purifying fluid, the global saliva, with its bactericidal, gustatory, masticatory, digestive, parahormonal, immunological, analgesic, paradontal and general calcifying, enamel protective, etc. properties. , and of course, the facilitator of the different capacities, to favor, the most complex and intimate human relationships, etc.. The one that would correspond to the Unitary, within the so-called Major, the Seventh Gland, the Large Salivary Gland, functionally located in the polyvalent oral cavity, with a mucomuscular skeletal and dental design, with all the excretory capacities, through the natural orifices: lips, nostrils and even exceptionally, the most distant orifices, the lacrimal orifices. All of them, at facial and/or surface level and already, the most caudal and main draining, which would be the one constituted by the large upper aerodigestive tract, corresponding to the multifunctional palatoglossopharyngeal space, to be more distally supraglottic, of mucous and osteocartilaginous structure.

It seems that it can be deduced from what has been said that a meticulous intraoral exploration can give us an idea of what may occur with the glandular state, in isolation and/or as a whole, to such an extent that it is still an indispensable clinical practice at the General Practitioner and Specialized level, to make the patient project the tongue out of the mouth and see, feel and palpate its mobility, shape, color, degree of humidity, the paradontal and dental state and of course, the excretory capacities of the salivary ducts, the major ones, without underestimating the minor salivary ducts: labial, genian, lingual and it is not worth looking for them in the gums, since they do not exist.

The visual, cultured and biochemical exploration of saliva should be a first line research parameter in routine patients and even more so in those who are highly compromised by more or less serious systemic pathologies, as a complement to the usual and essential vital signs.

What disorders or pathologies can they present?

It is clear that the salivary glands are part of the “healthy individual” as well as of the one suspected of disease.

There are multiple pathologies that can influence them, both generic and/or systemic, as well as due to locoregional affections, tumors, etc., we will cite some, so that the reader dares to discover and learn about the particular even in On line Medicine, why not, using the mouse of the computer, mobile, etc., with keywords such as: dry mouth (xerostomia!), you can also see, mucosal and cariosaparadontal pathology, halitosis, etc. Salivary pathology can also occur in: Hematological diseases, (lymphomas), Sarcoidosis, Myxedema, Obesity, Alcoholism and Smoking, Diabetes, Uremia, in antibiotic miscontrol (candidiasis) Infectious diseases, Viral, etc.

Syndromic conditions: Sjögren, Mikulicz and others. The use of psychopharmaceuticals can determine and/or even abolish to important extremes the production of saliva (asialia), with serious subsidiary repercussions.

The salivary glands, even in stressful situations, can determine episodes of hyposialia, since they are neurologically related to the sympathetic-parasympathetic system, among others, through centroencephalic impulses.

I would also look for, for example: Mucoceles (common in the Minors). Ranulas, in the Sublinguals. Mumps, Sialoadenitis, frequent Submaxillitis, often true Submaxillolithiasis or with calculi (especially in the median of the two major ones, that is, in general, in those with more weight and volume).

Tumors: The almost usual pleomorphic adenomas (perhaps more in women and predominantly Parotid) and Whartin’s tumor (usually benign and more frequent in the Major), or Malignant: aggressive and infiltrating: Adenoid cystic carcinoma (Cylindroma) and Mucoepidermoid, oral epidermoid carcinomas and many times with onset in the scalp, Melanomas and other Metastatic tumors of different surnames, etc.

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Finally, we do not want to leave without mentioning the influence of trauma of different causes and magnitude in the pathology of the salivary glands, especially the major salivary glands. For the sake of brevity, we will refer to the parotid glands, which on many occasions, in addition to important contusions, can suffer sections of their parenchymatous structures and/or their drainage ducts, giving rise to fistulas that require very complex reconstructive surgeries, sometimes being associated with lesions of the vasculonervous formations of the region and here, the partial or total section of the branches of the facial nerve can be determinant of facial mimicry and thus, we have seen repeated throughout our assistance activity, sections of this type, caused by the radials used in construction and other work and/or those derived from traffic accidents, etc.

What are the symptoms and what should the patient look for?

They are very diverse, since the salivary glands extend inside and outside the oral cavity and their pathology is polyvalent, as we saw above and which we should not repeat here.

If the discomfort is intraoral, it should be a reason to be alert, to perceive how your mouth feels and especially your mucous membranes, perceiving the degree of moisture and texture, watching for the appearance of stains, ulcers, etc., which in short periods of 10-15 days do not disappear or heal and especially if you are a smoker and drinker or have undesirable consumption habits (drug addiction) and that at this point of information, are more than repetitive.

It is difficult for anyone to exist today, in a more or less normalized environment, who does not know how each one of us should take care of ourselves. What is healthy and what is not, and the responsibility we have and we owe ourselves in taking care of ourselves first and for the rest of our lives.

Healthy life is cheaper for everyone than careless and even less boring. The intelligent person, has on the Internet, everything you can ask for, to be well informed and for, how to take care of your health, is undoubtedly one of the best ways to take advantage of the mobile.

How are the different pathologies treated?

The most frequent ones, drinking enough water and breathing through the nose, eating fruits and vegetables, avoiding polluted environments and unhealthy practices (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) and of course, with simple oral hygiene.

We are referring to mucositis, due to dry mouth, more or less permanent, seasonal, catarrhal, etc. Avoiding in the same way, aggressive rinses, with substances that modify the oral pH, and not martyring the flora with them, and/or the use of antibiotics in an indiscriminate way.

Do not eat too hot or too cold and do not moisten the dry and external part of the lips, wetting them with the tongue (the cutaneous mucous part of the lips must remain dry, by system). If your lips do not occlude or it costs you effort and concern to keep them closed and usually exposes your teeth or snores, go to a specialist of the Oral and Maxillofacial territory, there is a saying, in this regard, which is very common in everyday life and is the one that says: In closed mouth, no flies can enter!

The rest of pathologies of more entity, as Sialoadenitis, such as Parotiditis and Submaxillitis, require solvent Medical support in the subject.

In the same way, for the presence of painful or not painful lumps and always also, if there are abnormal symptoms in the face and neck (anesthesias or paresthesias) and disorders in facial mimicry. Worry also, before any symptom in the territory we are talking about, if you have unhealthy dependencies, which you already know what they are. Avoid the impact of the sun and hydrate yourself well and of course protect your skin and / or that of your loved ones, above all, with common sense, you will save a lot of money.

Is salivary gland cancer frequent and serious?

If it is frequent, for what it should be and without a doubt, it is a very serious condition, whose best treatment is, once again in Prevention. If the problem arises, very aggressive surgeries are usually required, associated not infrequently with chemo and radiotherapy.

The sequelae of the surgeries, due to their radicality, force to sacrifice in these cases structures of great functional significance, such as the inability to close the eyelids and effectively occlude the lip closure, making chewing and swallowing difficult.

However, sometimes complex microsurgical surgeries, supported by the concomitant therapies mentioned above, can control the disease in many cases.