How to Correct Splayed Breasts

What does a cleavage reshaping consist of?

First of all, it should be clarified that the cleavage or the distance between the breasts depends on the patient’s own anatomy. However, there is currently a technique that allows to remodel and improve it.

It is common, after a breast augmentation or breast lift, to find an asymmetrical cleavage or an excessive separation between the breasts. Our cleavage remodeling technique allows, both in patients who have already been operated and have very separated breasts, and in patients who are going to be operated, to perform this simple remodeling at the same time of surgery.

At the same time of breast surgery (either an augmentation, an elevation, tuberous breasts or breast reduction) if we see in the operating room that the distance between the breasts is excessive and the cleavage has been very separated, we perform a lipofilling. It is done in the form of a crescent, in the cleavage area, so that we provide extra volume.

Lipofilling consists of injecting the patient’s own fat, which we obtain by performing a small liposuction at very low pressure of a fat deposit. This fat is purified and cleaned and then injected to fill the desired area.

This technique was described by you and your team and was chosen last year as a Hot Topic in the journal of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, right?

Yes, it was. A study was published in which we described the reduction of the distance between the breasts and the level of satisfaction that the patients had. Until now, there was no technique that allowed these factors to be correctly remodeled and, with this technique, the results have greatly improved.

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We were able to see that this technique solved three major problems of breast augmentation:

  • The separation between the breasts.
  • The small asymmetries that occur in this area.
  • Prevent or avoid the appearance of rippling (skin folds in thin patients).

These benefits are achieved by providing a volume that will have the same feel as the fat in the rest of the breast, so that a much more natural look and feel of the breast is achieved.

How is the procedure performed and is it painful?

The technique consists of extracting a small amount of fat through low pressure liposuction. This will be injected into the cleavage area in order to improve symmetry and reduce the distance between the breasts.

No scars are made, since it is injected with cannulas smaller than 1 mm in diameter, so no stitches are placed.

What does the recovery consist of?

The procedure has a very comfortable postoperative period. Except for the appearance of a small bruise that may appear in the area where the liposuction has been performed or the fat has been injected, the patient will not suffer any pain. The intake of a conventional analgesic is enough.

For the bruises, specific creams are provided and some subthermal radiofrequency sessions are performed, making them disappear in 10 to 15 days.

What type of patients are suitable to undergo this treatment?

Any type of patient who wants to improve the appearance of her cleavage or those patients who have very separated breasts. I usually advise it in thin patients to prevent rippling or when there is an excessive separation between the breasts.