Myths and Truths About Liposuction

Is liposuction a slimming technique and can the patient regain weight after the treatment?

The ideal candidate for this type of intervention is the one who, despite having a more or less ideal weight and leading a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and sport, has localized fat deposits that cannot be eliminated. In fact, this procedure is not recommended when the patient is overweight, since the objective is not to lose kilos but to harmonize the shape of the body.

By means of liposuction, localized fat is eliminated in a single intervention and definitively. However, the patient may gain weight and put on weight after undergoing this procedure, but in that case the fat will be distributed uniformly throughout the body, and new deposits will not be reproduced in the treated area.

Is it a procedure without complications?

Although liposuction is a safe technique if it is performed under appropriate conditions by qualified professionals, there are some general risks associated with all types of surgery, such as bleeding, infection or some associated with the use of anesthetics and other specific risks such as skin sensitivity, alterations in the shape or color of the skin. There may also be very rare complications such as hematomas or thromboembolism, which, as we have said, are highly infrequent.

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After the treatment, are there marks or scars?

The small scars that may remain on the skin after the intervention due to the introduction of the cannulas become practically invisible over time if we have placed ourselves in the hands of a specialized, experienced and highly qualified surgeon.

Does it reduce cellulite?

Just as we said that liposuction is not a slimming technique and that its function is not the loss of kilos, neither is it a technique for the elimination of cellulite, although it can improve it.

Is it a quick recovery procedure?

After the intervention the return to normal activity can be done in 24-48h if the work performed does not require great physical effort.

The limitation may be due to the garment that must be worn for several weeks after the operation, which may lead to a reduction in mobility.