Breast augmentation with local anesthesia and sedation

In which cases is breast augmentation with local anesthesia performed?

This technique can be performed in any patient who wants a breast augmentation surgery, but especially in those who are anxious about a general anesthesia.

With local anesthesia plus sedation we manage to reduce the anxiety of the patient and a less invasive surgery, which is performed in less time and allows the patient to recover faster.

Why was this procedure performed under general anesthesia until now?

Because of the surgical tradition itself and because it is a more complex and thorough technique. In order to perform it correctly, that is, so that the patient does not feel pain, there must be great coordination between the plastic surgeon and the anesthesiologist, in addition to both having sufficient training and experience.

As it is not very common, there is a lack of knowledge among patients, but the reality is that it has many advantages for both the person being operated on and for the medical team performing the procedure.

What are the advantages of breast augmentation surgery with local anesthesia and sedation?

The benefits of using local anesthesia plus sedation are several:

  • It is a less invasive anesthetic procedure: there is no need to insert an endotracheal tube and no need to relax the patient’s muscles. The patient is not totally asleep, but in a state of relaxation and tranquility.
  • We avoid the side effects of general anesthesia such as dizziness, vomiting, changes in blood pressure.
  • Recovery time after surgery is shorter: during the first few days, the patient can stand up, begin to move the joints and even eat.
  • Fewer drugs are required.
  • The medical team achieves very favorable operating conditions: the degree of consciousness control is optimal, there is great stability in blood pressure, pulse and blood oxygenation.
  • It is a faster surgery.