Renal failure: when to resort to kidney transplantation?

To consider that a kidney is not working properly depends on the age and sex of the person. To define it, the measurement of what is called the glomerular filtration rate is used. For young people it is considered normal above approximately 80 ml/min and for older people above 60 ml/min. Below the latter figure the person is usually considered to have kidney failure. However, renal function will be sufficient to eliminate water and waste substances from the body as long as the glomerular filtration rate remains above 7-8 ml/min. Below this figure we need dialysis or renal transplantation.

Is it then when kidney transplantation is recommended?

Yes, it is. Whenever possible, renal transplantation is the best treatment option for end-stage renal failure. Even better would be to find a living donor in the family that would allow transplantation without the need for prior dialysis.

What conditions must be met for a patient to be a recipient?

The recipient must have a minimum physical condition that allows him/her to undergo anesthesia and surgery without a high risk of death. At the same time, he/she must be able to receive with guarantees an immunosuppressive treatment aimed at avoiding the rejection of the transplanted organ and which will lower his/her defenses against infections and some types of tumors.

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Once the transplant has been performed, what care should the patient receive?

Post-transplant care is multiple, although it should allow the patient to lead a completely normal life. In general, they would be summarized in taking the prescribed medication correctly, a balanced diet, physical exercise, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, controlling sugar and cholesterol and consulting the doctor for any new medication prescribed by other specialists in Nephrology.

Are the results usually favorable?

The results are nowadays very good. We can say that 95-97% of transplants are successful at the first attempt.