Ultrasound-guided foam sclerosis of varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease of the venous system, characterized by the appearance of anfractuous venous cords in the lower limbs, as a result of a deficiency in the return of blood to the heart.

There are multiple factors that can cause varicose veins, but the most common are hereditary factors, working long hours standing or sitting and making efforts that require weight lifting.

On the other hand, pregnancy, lack of physical activity and hormonal factors can influence the appearance of this disease.

Varicose veins symptoms

Symptoms are varied but generally follow a chronology. It starts with a purely aesthetic problem, continues with tiredness and heaviness of the legs, then progresses with edema (swelling) in the ankles and, finally, changes in the color and quality of the skin, culminating in the most advanced stage of the disease with ulcers of the lower limbs.

Ultrasound-guided foam sclerosis of varicose veins

This is a method that has revolutionized the treatment of venous disease. It consists in the application of a foam or micro-foam in the varicose vein that is affected.

This application requires an ultrasound specialist to identify the affected vein, since otherwise it would not be visible. Then we can inject the foam that will solve the problem.

With the foam method, only 3 or 4 sessions are necessary to treat the disease. It is possible with such a small number of sessions, because thanks to ultrasound we treat the diseased vein at its origin with better results.

Ultrasound-guided foam sessions last approximately 15 minutes, and the patient continues with his or her usual tasks as soon as he or she leaves the office.

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Benefits of this treatment

It is a type of treatment that has numerous benefits for the patient with varicose veins:

– It does not require surgery or anesthesia.

– It does not prevent the application of other treatment methods, in case they were necessary.

– It does not require rest after the session.

– It is not painful for the patient.