Foam treatment for sclerosis

Foam sclerosis treatment consists of injecting a foaming sclerosing substance directly into the vein to be treated. The aim of this method is to produce an inflammatory reaction in the vein walls and a consequent fibrosis, which ends in the disappearance of the vein.

Sclerosis treatment: liquid vs. foam form

Foam manages to remain in contact with the vein to be treated longer than liquid chemical sclerosis. Consequently, greater success is achieved with less quantity of the sclerosing substance.

The foam treatment is performed in 30-minute sessions, scheduled by the expert in Vascular Surgery every fifteen days. The number of interventions depends on the number of veins the patient has and the response to treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam sclerosis treatment

One of the most outstanding advantages of this technique is that it can be used to treat all types of veins, including the great saphenous shafts.

The disadvantage is that we must stay out of the sun for a month after the session.

Target audience of the foam sclerosis treatment: postpartum women.

Sclerosis is a pathology with a marked genetic character closely related to hormonal changes, in addition to lifestyle habits. There is no specific and adequate age for the administration of the treatment, but it is true that this ailment usually appears during the first pregnancy of women. This fact entails a real hormonal change for women.

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It is not recommended to perform this treatment in pregnant and breastfeeding women. In addition, it would be contraindicated in patients with a history of thrombosis and severe underlying pathologies.

Postoperative measures for foam sclerosis treatment

Foam treatment does not involve strict discharge or postoperative measures, since it is an outpatient procedure. After the session, the patient can return to her normal activities. It only requires the use of a stocking during the first 24 hours after the operation. On the other hand, no major side effects have been described, although some slight discomfort may appear in the treated area.

Results of foam sclerosis treatment

The veins eliminated with this method do not reappear in the treated area. However, as it is a disease with a strong genetic component and associated with predisposing factors, it cannot be guaranteed that veins may appear in another territory.