Obesity is never healthy

In the last few years, terms such as “fofisano” or “healthy obese” have become fashionable. However, Dr. García Valdés, specialist in Endocrinology, explains that obesity is a disease that can cause important metabolic imbalances and associated pathologies.

Is it correct to use the concept “healthy obese”?

At present, the diagnosis of obesity depends on the percentage of fat in the body mass and, in general, when it exceeds the established criteria, this diagnosis is adequate to know the corresponding degree of obesity.

People are very different and, in relation to their genetics, body constitution, way of life and with a certain degree of obesity, they can have a metabolic adjustment, especially at young ages. But little by little excess weight will act as an important risk factor for all kinds of pathologies. For this reason, it is not appropriate to speak of healthy obesity.

Can a healthy person with obesity develop the same cardiovascular pathologies as an obese person with a poorer metabolism?

It is true that if their genetics are beneficial, the possibilities and degree of disease are much lower, but the continuous overloading of the body due to excess weight has a negative impact on health and can lead to cardiovascular, respiratory and locomotor system disorders, sleep disorders, hormonal disorders and sexual dysfunction, urological disorders, or cancerous developments with a reduction in life expectancy.

Some people have called obesity a “benign disease”, is this correct?

The expression “benign disease” is used to indicate that it is not a risk factor for developing diseases or causing death. In the case of obesity, the first thing to do is to know its degree, because it is not the same whether a person has 10 or 50 kilos to spare.

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A grade 1 obesity can be easily reduced and prevent it from occurring again, but severe obesity is always a serious pathology. Not all people can be at their perfect weight and 2 or 4 kilos up or down, as long as they have correct habits, is not a major risk for their quality of life.

What does it depend on if a person is obese but his metabolism is healthy? That is to say, if a person does not have high cholesterol, high sugar… why is he obese?

All living organisms naturally tend to maintain a balance between their internal reactions and the external environment. To do so, they adjust their metabolic constants and cope with the continuous risks they face.

The same thing happens to the human species and, thanks to their struggle and work, living conditions have greatly improved compared to previous eras. However, there are always negative aspects, and obesity is one of them. From a lack of food, we have moved on to overabundance and the development of an obesity epidemic that is difficult to control.

It is clear that people are obese because they eat more food than necessary, not because they have a “slow metabolism”. The big problem is that food is an addiction as dangerous as tobacco, alcohol or cocaine and, as in these situations, the alterations they produce in health are very important.