Controlling hypercholesterolemia, basic to good health

Cholesterol is a substance that is necessary for the performance and regulation of functions such as the formation of bile acids or hormones. However, a high blood cholesterol level is also a risk factor for certain heart diseases.

Hypercholesterolemia occurs when the presence of cholesterol in the blood is above normal standards. This increase is associated with coronary problems, diet, gender and lifestyle.

Causes of hypercholesterolemia

Hypercholesterolemia can be caused by several factors. For example, due to poor eating habits, hereditary causes or liver disease.

Poor eating habits with an abundant intake of animal fats cause the body to consume other types of nutrients earlier, favoring the presence of accumulated cholesterol in the arteries.

The familial or hereditary cause is also one of the most significant in this type of pathology. Hypercholesterolemia is caused by a genetic defect that fails to eliminate cholesterol so that it increases more and more.

Another cause of hypercholesterolemia is liver disease.

Types of hypercholesterolemia

Two types of hypercholesterolemia can be distinguished according to the origin or cause: primary and secondary.

Primary hypercholesterolemias such as dyslipidemias are caused by different cholesterol problems and inherited genetic factors.

Secondary hypercholesterolemia: this type of hypercholesterolemia is associated with hepatic, renal and endocrine pathologies.

Clinical tests to diagnose hypercholesterolemia

Hypercholesterolemia must be diagnosed by a specialist in Family Medicine who will perform the examination and establish the level of cholesterol in the blood.

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For primary hypercholesterolemia it will be necessary to detect which factors influence the increase in cholesterol level (dietary habits, family cause, liver disease or the administration of a drug) that favor the development of coronary pathologies.

For secondary hypercholesterolemia, a urinalysis will be performed to check the composition of glucose, alkaline phosphatase and thyrotropin.

How to prevent hypercholesterolemia with good habits

The best way to prevent or control hypercholesterolemia is to maintain good eating habits and moderate physical exercise about three times a week. The combination of the two actions will contribute to the increase of HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol.