Chemical peeling and other types of peeling

Chemical Peeling Treatment

It consists of the application of chemical substances on the skin, always performed by a specialist. Its purpose is to produce exfoliation of the most superficial layers of this part of the body, causing changes in the appearance and microscopic structure of the same. These changes can affect both the dermis and the epidermis.

Chemical peeling provides, among other benefits, a satiny and velvety skin, with a reduction of imperfections and, in general, an important improvement in the color and condition of the skin.

Types of Peeling

– Superficial peelings: influences the stratum corneum, which is the part of the dead skin that turns into hard skin; the epidermis and superficial papillary dermis. It is also applied for acne problems, epidermal pigmentary alterations, fine wrinkles or actinic damage. Its treatment is performed with AHA, TCA, AC Retinotium, Jessner’s solution. The use of several peelings should be performed leaving a time margin of two to six weeks between one and another.

The benefit that this procedure brings to the skin is an improvement in appearance, greater luminosity, improvement of fine wrinkles and mild acne problems and in spots in which depigmentation creams are applied.

– Medium peelings: they are used in actinic damage, medium depth wrinkles, pigmentation and scars. The agents used are AHA in high concentrations, more than 30% TCA, phenol and TCA + glycolic. This type of peel makes it possible to lower TCA concentrations and reduce secondary effects. At the time of its application, you can not leave the house for a week.

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The advantages of medium peels are a noticeable improvement in the texture and color of the skin. They are very effective in photoaging, but are not useful in cases of acne. This type of peelings accompanied by depigmenting creams are very effective in the treatment of blemishes.

– Deep peelings: they destroy up to the middle reticular dermis, which is the deepest and thickest part of the skin. The agents are phenol and Baker’s formula that help correct deep wrinkles, severe actinic damage, pigmentations and superficial scars. Although the effectiveness of these techniques is very high, they are also very aggressive.

Deep peels are recommended for patients over 65 years of age, with severe aging and deep wrinkles. This suggestion is due to the fact that this type of patients do not mind having a more sensitive and hypopigmented skin.