Cellulite: What it is and how to prevent it

The drowned connective tissue, saturated with water and unremoved toxins, densifies, giving rise to pits and lumps that remind us of the rough, irregular skin of an orange.

Cellulite is a disease of the subcutaneous tissue that affects 99% of women to a greater or lesser extent. This disorder is not always associated with excess weight, as it can also be observed in thin people.

Although cellulite does not put the patient’s health at risk, it is considered an aesthetic problem that modifies contours, causes discomfort and undermines the self-esteem of the sufferer.

Where cellulite begins

The skin is a vital organ of the human being that covers our body in order to isolate and protect it from external aggressions.

This organ is essential for life and is made up of three layers:

  • Epidermis: this layer is the outermost. Its mission is to replenish cells and produce the melanin that gives color to our skin.
  • Dermis: this is the middle layer and contains blood vessels, nerve endings and sweat glands.
  • Hypodermis: is also called the subcutaneous tissue and contains mostly fat-storing cells called adipocytes. Adipocytes accumulate fatty substance in order to regulate body temperature and cushion possible external shocks. When the storage of fat is not harmonized with the wear and tear of these, an increase in body size occurs. Thus, the adipocytes or fat cells increase in size and push the skin creating small bulges or protuberances that are manifested to the outside with the name of orange peel.

How cellulite is formed

The hypodermis is formed by a multitude of adipocytes or fat cells between which circulate a series of nutritive liquids that support the skin. These nutritive liquids are made up of blood, lymph, water and oxygen and in addition to nourishing the skin they have the function of eliminating toxins.

There are times when adipocytes increase excessively in size, preventing proper drainage.

As a consequence, the intercellular fluid acquires a thick consistency and the micro-circulatory system does not function properly. This process of “stagnation” and incorrect elimination of toxins produces the external malformation of the skin known as cellulite.

Factors influencing the formation of cellulite

  • Family history
  • Sedentary life and lack of exercise
  • Incomplete and unbalanced diet
  • Overweight and circulatory problems

Why does cellulite affect women more than men?

Cellulite is a disorder that affects women to a greater extent than men. This is due to the fact that the fat content of the tissues is not the same in one as in the other. Men have an average of 15% fat compared to 23% in women. In women, fat is stored dispersed in the belly, hips and thighs, while in men it is stored directly in the abdominal area.

On the other hand, cellulite is a phenomenon of hormonal origin closely linked to fluctuations in estrogen levels, which are typically female hormones.

Another cause is the distribution of fat cells in both sexes. While in women the adipocytes are arranged perpendicular to the skin, in men they are arranged obliquely to the skin, thus avoiding the orange peel effect and producing less deformation of the tissues.

Cellulite risk periods

Cellulite is often linked to hormonal changes. For this reason it can be said that the periods of risk in which this disorder can appear are linked to fluctuations of this type such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

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Similarly, we can include in this list the first months of taking the contraceptive pill. During adolescence there is a real estrogen revolution that causes fat accumulation in areas such as the hips and thighs. Something similar happens during pregnancy when hormone levels are altered.

Finally, during menopause, the female body has a greater tendency to accumulate or store fat rather than burn or consume it.

Types of cellulite

Cellulite can be classified into several types according to their characteristics.

  • Soft cellulite

This type of cellulite is especially found in the abdomen, arms, buttocks and back. Soft cellulite affects women between 30 and 40 years old who in most cases go from having an active life to a more sedentary one, and it is also suffered by women who have undergone numerous diets throughout their lives. In these cases the tissues acquire a looser and more floating consistency that moves when walking. However, this type of cellulite is not usually painful.

  • Compact or hard cellulite

This cellulite is mainly located on the inner knees and outer thighs where it forms unsightly love handles. This type of disorder usually originates during adolescence and if not remedied can last forever. In contrast to soft cellulite, hard cellulite has a compact consistency and is visible when the skin is squeezed with the fingers as it takes on a granular consistency.

  • Edematous cellulite

This variant is one of the most problematic and is located on the thighs and knees. In this case the most affected part is the lower part of the knees which widens and takes on the shape of a column. Its age of appearance is between 20 and 30 years old and in many cases it is accompanied by cramps and varicose veins due to venous and lymphatic insufficiency. This type of cellulite is painful and has a rougher consistency to the touch than the previous ones.

  • How to avoid cellulite

Cellulite should be treated from the beginning of its appearance because it can end up deforming the lower limbs of people who suffer from it. As a consequence, it is necessary to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and opt for regular exercise. A balanced diet, away from tobacco and rich in fiber improves the circulatory system and prevents the formation of cellulite.

Foods to increase

  • Diuretic foods: green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, melon, loquat, grapes, peaches.
  • Legumes: all of them, especially beans, contain Niacin and Pantothenic acid, which are important for skin health. It is important to consume soybeans that contain phytoestrogens, which are plant hormones that control hormonal imbalances that are often the cause of cellulite.
  • Vitamin A: this vitamin is very important for the good condition of the skin.
  • Whole grains: which favor a greater elimination of toxins.
  • Evening primrose: evening primrose is an oil that is marketed in the form of pearls and acts to regulate certain hormonal disorders.

Foods to reduce

  • Saturated fats: this type of fat is found in whole milk, butter and especially in sausages.
  • Salt: it favors the accumulation of liquids.
  • Alcoholic beverages: alcohol favors the concentration of toxins that are difficult to eliminate.
  • Sugar: above all, industrial pastries should be avoided as they do not provide vitamins or minerals, but fats that accumulate in all parts of the body.