Top 9 Questions Surgeons Ask Surgeons about Rhinoplasty

1) What type of anesthesia is used in rhinoplasty?

Both general anesthesia and sedation can be used for rhinoplasty. However, we always prefer to perform the procedure under general anesthesia because it is just as safe and definitely less traumatic for the patient.

2) How long does rhinoplasty take?

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed in approximately two hours. Sometimes it is longer because there are more complex cases that require more surgery time. Moreover, sometimes it is required to correct the nasal function or an associated pathology, which increases the time in the operating room.

3) Where is rhinoplasty surgery performed?

Rhinoplasty is always performed in the hospital operating room and never in a doctor’s office. The total admission time is usually one hour before and later overnight in the hospital to monitor the patient before discharge.

Prior to the operation, the patient will be asked to sign the surgical consent form and after the operation, the patient will be given specific postoperative instructions.

4) Rhinoplasty postoperative period

At the end of the operation, a small splint is placed on the outside of the nose, on small plasters. A slight nasal packing is also made.

After spending the night in the hospital the natural thing is to be discharged and in 2-4 days the packing is removed. The external splint will be removed in 7-12 days. The stitches fall out by themselves or can be removed the same day.

It is recommended to work without physical exertion and not to start sports activities until after 3 weeks.

During the first 48 hours you can perform activities at home and without effort. It is recommended to wait between 7 and 10 days to resume activities outside of the surgery.

5) Rhinoplasty follow-up care

In Dr. Granado Tiangonce’s clinic we consider the first visit of utmost importance and we believe it is essential that the patient speaks with the doctor clearly expressing their wishes and doubts.

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The procedure in the first consultation prior to rhinoplasty is usually as follows:

  1. We will explore the nose externally and internally, by palpation and endoscopy, etc.
  2. Digital photographs, preoperative analysis and clinical documentation.
  3. We will review the alterations that require correction and make a personalized surgical plan for you.
  4. And finally, we will give you an estimate of the total price of rhinoplasty.

After this first informative visit you can decide when to have the surgery and make a second preoperative visit.

6) Can a rhinoplasty be performed on a minor?

Yes, it can. However, it must be carefully analyzed and determined by the specialist in Plastic Surgery. It is recommended that operations of this kind be performed on adults, since they have fully developed their bone structures.

7) Can a second rhinoplasty be performed if the result of the first one has not satisfied the patient?

Normally there is no problem. In this case a secondary rhinoplasty would be performed, which consists only in correcting some punctual details.

8) How long does it take to see the definitive results of the rhinoplasty?

Normally, the result will be seen in its entirety between 6 months and a year. Since rhinoplasty involves altering all the tissue of the nose and surrounding areas, it is common for the area to swell considerably.

Swelling after rhinoplasty is completely normal; it is a natural sign that the body is healing and restoring itself after surgery.

Unfortunately, this normal symptom can delay for a while before you can fully enjoy your rhinoplasty results.

The most significant swelling should disappear within a week or two, but there will be minor swelling that may last up to a year. For this reason, it is recommended that you wait until this time has elapsed before judging the results of the nose job.

9) When can you sunbathe after rhinoplasty?

The first 15 days are critical in that, in the presence of still visible hematomas, sunbathing would imply leaving a colored mark on the skin (like a tattoo). Therefore, it is advisable to use sunscreen (FPD 30 or SUP) even for short exposures. It is advisable to wait at least 40 days before sunbathing directly.