Genital aesthetics and its 360º approach

Nowadays men are more concerned about their appearance and their body in general, but it must also be said that sometimes we find patients whose reason for consultation is medical (functional) when they present a pathology in their genital apparatus that hinders their correct functioning. Currently, in my experience, I can say that there are more aesthetic than functional consultations.

Only a small percentage of men with erectile dysfunction are included in what diagnosis and what would be the cause or causes?

Patients with erectile dysfunction who require surgery would fall under the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction of organic cause. The most frequent cause or causes of this pathology are patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction of vascular and/or neurological cause, i.e. patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, neurological lesions, among others, in whom oral medication is not enough to achieve an erection that allows them to maintain a satisfactory sexual relationship.

Erectile dysfunction usually has an implicit psychological or psychosomatic cause.

It is true that nowadays we are subjected to an accelerated pace of life, important work pressure, demands of the partner, early initiation of sexual relations, all this can negatively influence the performance or the relationship with the partner and start erectile dysfunction problems of psychogenic cause.

Erectile dysfunction affects more than two million men in Spain and more than 100 million worldwide, and it is estimated that only 10% of those affected consult a specialist.

It is very important to make a correct diagnosis and to know whether it is a psychological problem (60%) or an organic problem (40%) or a mixed one. Nowadays there are many medical advances that can solve this type of dysfunction.

For this reason, the approach we take in my Institute is multidisciplinary, and in those cases whose etiology is psychological, I refer to the psychologist of my Institute with whom I work together in this type of cases.

The main consultations of patients are related to the appearance of the penis.

One of the most frequent demands for which my patients consult my patients refers to the surgery of the male genitalia, that is to say, they consult to lengthen and increase the thickness of their penis.

Erectile dysfunction consultation would be in second place, followed by penile incurvation assessment and andrological surgery in general. Aesthetic problems, both penile length and penile girth or thickness, are currently a cause for consultation and concern.

Lack of self-esteem and security are one of the main causes that lead men to worry about the size of the penis. Sixty percent of men who consult or request penis enlargement treatment usually have a normal or even above average penis.

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It is very important to distinguish between: an objective and real problem where we value the micropenis or we have to rule out a congenital malformation, a hormonal problem or Peyronie’s disease, and a subjective problem in which a physically normal man conceives his penis as inadequate.

Perhaps nowadays, the mentality that a good erectile function solves everything is not so widespread, but I think it is still present in the male imprint, in one way or another.

However, I believe that nowadays there are two issues to highlight, men consult more about this type of dysfunctions because taboos have disappeared and also, they feel a greater concern for their body aesthetics in all senses.

Solutions to ejaculation disorders

It is necessary and advisable to take a good clinical history and a complete anamnesis in order to reach a diagnosis as accurate as possible and to know the cause of ejaculatory disorders. It must be said that psychological causes are still the first etiology of this disorder. I believe that a well-directed therapy can be of great help and achieve good results, which is why these types of cases are referred to the psychology service of the Institute, in order to make a 360º approach to them.

What is the role of Viagra in the field of Andrology?

The appearance of the drug Viagra was revolutionary in many aspects, not only in the reaffirmation and knowledge of the specialty of Andrology, but also in the conviction that age should not be a limiting factor in sexual relations.

Many hopes have been placed on this pill and the similar ones that have been appearing, but it must also be said that they have solved many problems of erectile dysfunction and have made many men recover not only the quality of relationships but also their confidence and self-esteem.

Institut Dra. Natalia Ribé, reference center specializing in Aesthetic Medicine The center directed by Dr. Natalia Ribé serves both female and male patients, of which the latter are concerned not only about their genital apparatus and function, but increasingly more about their physical appearance and well-being in general.

The Institut Dr. Natalia Ribé performs the latest and most advanced treatments in the field of Aesthetic Medicine, Andrology, male genital surgery, nutrition and obesity, anti-aging skin diagnosis, laser platform, Psychology and Beauty and Wellness space.

All this aimed at slowing the aging process not only the general but also the skin, and to enjoy a natural, healthy and as youthful as possible by offering the latest technology at this time, always individualizing treatments and treating the patient as a whole, improving their self-esteem from the outside but also from within, and with the highest ethics and professionalism.